I do this way too often. I start something, pretend to commit, and one day it disappears from my mind in the most convenient manner possible. Rubbish left behind, like used condoms on the beach when you're taking a walk. You see it and you're disgusted. It tells its own story, but at the same time it's a fucking mess. I leave everything unfinished! Fuck!
Okay, so now I'm really gonna try very hard, put my best foot forward and all that bullshit, and I'm gonna write a fucking blog, and stick around and do some more shit, and talk to some people, and climb my way out of this self-indulgent hole. (So I'll warn you in advance, this is gonna be a long one, but it might be worth the read. I like to think I'm a half-decent, somewhat interesting writer. I like to think it, though that doesn't mean it's true.)
But anyway, now it's like, where the fuck do I start? I've been gone from here... oh... I don't know, for like, half of forever. No warning of a hiatus, nothing like that. Just WHOOSH and I'm gone. Out. Vanished into the air like cigarette smoke. I shouldn't be smoking right now, because I'm getting over what I think was a flu, or something. Stress at work and all that is probably the culprit. And I'll drink tea and honey all day long and then feel absolutely amazing and then light up a stick of tobacco and BANG I'm coughing all over the place. So I really shouldn't be smoking right now.
Then again there's a lot of things I shouldn't do, but it mostly only makes me want to do them more.
I just finished reorganizing and setting up the rest of my home studio. Well I did a few days ago. The only thing missing at the moment is a drum kit, but I really don't have room for one so I guess I'll just have to cut the losses. I'd really love to take a picture and show you guys but my room is such a tip right now.
You know what, fuck that. No more excuses. I'm just gonna take a picture. Right now. That's what I'm gonna do. OK? Here.
Ok yeah, so it's nothing special really. Two guitars, a bass guitar (not pictured), keyboard, a few amps, mixing board, headphones, whatever, big deal. But I can plug everything in directly to my macbook, which is such a saving grace at the moment because my recording quality was deteriorating to the point where it was just a joke, using the shitty microphones I had to my disposable prior to these renovations. Of course my real love affair is with the new multi fx bass pedal I recently ordered. Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live, and it's the god of all bass pedals in my opinion. I mean this thing really can do anything. She's beautiful.
As for my life sans the pseudo music career, it's been alright I guess. Work, work, work. They've extended my hours, pain in the ass really. This is only recently and next chance I get I'm sitting the head honcho down and having a real heart to heart with him about how I'm not his bitch, and he can pay me more if he wants me to do more work, kinda thing. Stuff that isn't even in my contract, kinda thing. The manager and me, we're anarchists. We'll never admit it to each other, but we start so many fucking rebellions, it's surprising we've held down jobs for as long as we have. I do everything perfect, mind you, but most bosses just like their employees to shovel their shit, and I have too many attitude issues (and other issues) to do that for him.
As for the social front, well that's a battlefield I guess. Recently lost a friend of mine to the system, another one to smack and, yeah another one, to bullshit. I thought about fighting for them, the two that were still breathing that is, but the arithmetic just didn't add up in the end. I'm better off, I decided. So it's me and my musketeers at this point, and I'm ok with that. I'd rather my high friends in low places than low friends in high places anyway.
Love........ well we'll leave that for another blog entirely.
And as for the motherland. Well, Bermuda's going through some shit right now I guess. See the thing about this island, not only is it SMALL, like 21sq miles SMALL, but there's this no guns law. No guns at all, whatsoever, anywhere, ever, for anyone. I know that might seem strange if you're American and reading this, or anywhere in the world except Bermuda and reading this, but for a long time the idea of gun violence here was absolutely absurd. Guns didn't exist here. But of course because of crooked customs officials and smuggling and sneaky snakes who import all our wondrous illegal substances, guns have leaked into the possession of casual lowlife street thugs. Casual lowlife street thugs in dumbass gangs who decided all up and a sudden they were gonna have a turf war (21SQMILES...WHAT TURF?). So lately there's been gun violence, a lot of it, escalating rapidly. Now by gun violence I mean, like, 17 shootings in the past year. 17. In a year. ..... Yeah. Sooooo fucking scary right. But all these little bible clutching conservatives are shaking in their polished middle class shoes preaching Jesus and hiding out in their yellow (or pink, or orange, or blue, or green....) painted cottages, because GOD FORBID SOMEBODY SHOOT THEM. I guess I feel pretty far removed from this situation. It's absolutely ridiculous. And I refuse to walk down a street I grew up on and feel fear. Yeah, ok, maybe you're slightly more likely than you were last week to get hit by a stray bullet, but that doesn't mean walking down the street is the thing that's gonna do it. Seriously guys you look retarded sitting their shitting yourselves blaming American music videos. It's sad, it's dumb, yeah, but it's happening. And guess what, in other places in the world, it's SO MUCH WORSE. Anyway, if you die tomorrow you're going to Heaven anyway right? So shut it.
Which was... well I can't remember exactly. I guess in general my life has been the same as it always has been, with a lot of changes happening. You know what, I never make any sense. Reality and me never really got along. That's a fact. So what now? I guess I'll give you a bunch of pictures to look at and call it a day.
And maybeeeee I'll be a good girl and come back very very soon and post some more, yeah
Jack Daniels is the only man I'll ever need. Oh, and that's Sarah, keyboardist/rhythm guitar in my recent musical endeavour.
Acoustic recording sessions at Gary's.
Triangle Imports. It's to Die For.
Me and Tarah outside G.
Anddd me and Gary.
Okay, so now I'm really gonna try very hard, put my best foot forward and all that bullshit, and I'm gonna write a fucking blog, and stick around and do some more shit, and talk to some people, and climb my way out of this self-indulgent hole. (So I'll warn you in advance, this is gonna be a long one, but it might be worth the read. I like to think I'm a half-decent, somewhat interesting writer. I like to think it, though that doesn't mean it's true.)
But anyway, now it's like, where the fuck do I start? I've been gone from here... oh... I don't know, for like, half of forever. No warning of a hiatus, nothing like that. Just WHOOSH and I'm gone. Out. Vanished into the air like cigarette smoke. I shouldn't be smoking right now, because I'm getting over what I think was a flu, or something. Stress at work and all that is probably the culprit. And I'll drink tea and honey all day long and then feel absolutely amazing and then light up a stick of tobacco and BANG I'm coughing all over the place. So I really shouldn't be smoking right now.
Then again there's a lot of things I shouldn't do, but it mostly only makes me want to do them more.
I just finished reorganizing and setting up the rest of my home studio. Well I did a few days ago. The only thing missing at the moment is a drum kit, but I really don't have room for one so I guess I'll just have to cut the losses. I'd really love to take a picture and show you guys but my room is such a tip right now.
You know what, fuck that. No more excuses. I'm just gonna take a picture. Right now. That's what I'm gonna do. OK? Here.

Ok yeah, so it's nothing special really. Two guitars, a bass guitar (not pictured), keyboard, a few amps, mixing board, headphones, whatever, big deal. But I can plug everything in directly to my macbook, which is such a saving grace at the moment because my recording quality was deteriorating to the point where it was just a joke, using the shitty microphones I had to my disposable prior to these renovations. Of course my real love affair is with the new multi fx bass pedal I recently ordered. Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live, and it's the god of all bass pedals in my opinion. I mean this thing really can do anything. She's beautiful.

As for my life sans the pseudo music career, it's been alright I guess. Work, work, work. They've extended my hours, pain in the ass really. This is only recently and next chance I get I'm sitting the head honcho down and having a real heart to heart with him about how I'm not his bitch, and he can pay me more if he wants me to do more work, kinda thing. Stuff that isn't even in my contract, kinda thing. The manager and me, we're anarchists. We'll never admit it to each other, but we start so many fucking rebellions, it's surprising we've held down jobs for as long as we have. I do everything perfect, mind you, but most bosses just like their employees to shovel their shit, and I have too many attitude issues (and other issues) to do that for him.
As for the social front, well that's a battlefield I guess. Recently lost a friend of mine to the system, another one to smack and, yeah another one, to bullshit. I thought about fighting for them, the two that were still breathing that is, but the arithmetic just didn't add up in the end. I'm better off, I decided. So it's me and my musketeers at this point, and I'm ok with that. I'd rather my high friends in low places than low friends in high places anyway.
Love........ well we'll leave that for another blog entirely.
And as for the motherland. Well, Bermuda's going through some shit right now I guess. See the thing about this island, not only is it SMALL, like 21sq miles SMALL, but there's this no guns law. No guns at all, whatsoever, anywhere, ever, for anyone. I know that might seem strange if you're American and reading this, or anywhere in the world except Bermuda and reading this, but for a long time the idea of gun violence here was absolutely absurd. Guns didn't exist here. But of course because of crooked customs officials and smuggling and sneaky snakes who import all our wondrous illegal substances, guns have leaked into the possession of casual lowlife street thugs. Casual lowlife street thugs in dumbass gangs who decided all up and a sudden they were gonna have a turf war (21SQMILES...WHAT TURF?). So lately there's been gun violence, a lot of it, escalating rapidly. Now by gun violence I mean, like, 17 shootings in the past year. 17. In a year. ..... Yeah. Sooooo fucking scary right. But all these little bible clutching conservatives are shaking in their polished middle class shoes preaching Jesus and hiding out in their yellow (or pink, or orange, or blue, or green....) painted cottages, because GOD FORBID SOMEBODY SHOOT THEM. I guess I feel pretty far removed from this situation. It's absolutely ridiculous. And I refuse to walk down a street I grew up on and feel fear. Yeah, ok, maybe you're slightly more likely than you were last week to get hit by a stray bullet, but that doesn't mean walking down the street is the thing that's gonna do it. Seriously guys you look retarded sitting their shitting yourselves blaming American music videos. It's sad, it's dumb, yeah, but it's happening. And guess what, in other places in the world, it's SO MUCH WORSE. Anyway, if you die tomorrow you're going to Heaven anyway right? So shut it.
Which was... well I can't remember exactly. I guess in general my life has been the same as it always has been, with a lot of changes happening. You know what, I never make any sense. Reality and me never really got along. That's a fact. So what now? I guess I'll give you a bunch of pictures to look at and call it a day.
And maybeeeee I'll be a good girl and come back very very soon and post some more, yeah

Jack Daniels is the only man I'll ever need. Oh, and that's Sarah, keyboardist/rhythm guitar in my recent musical endeavour.

Acoustic recording sessions at Gary's.

Triangle Imports. It's to Die For.

Me and Tarah outside G.

Anddd me and Gary.