T Minus 24 and a half hours until my new set Kitchen Cleaning drops, so thats nerve racking. to see spoilers view my previous blog:
Spoilers Blog

Finally got snow going on here in New England, thought that might never happen but go figure its on leap year but at least before march.

T Minus 6 days (kinda cuz im going at midnight) until ME3...
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my gamestop has the midnight for it and the two in the mall
You should show that Assassin's Creed tattoo to Alyeska. She might get a kick out of it.
So was looking over the syllabus for my dramatic lit class and i am at an extreme over advantage so this should be beyond easy. Marketing still hasnt released its syllabus yet, which is already making me think this class and teacher are going to be a tool.

in other news my next set is out in a lil less than two days, my back...
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You guys look so cute together ^__^
Not looking forward to my marketing class, hate that I have to rush order my books, but at least the boy is still here by my side.
according to new research (someone who was supposed to be my best friend and my bf) I am a soulless heartless bitch.

let me explain. last night this chick i know and am not a fan of because she has literally ruined the lives of several people i know came to the birthday outing. she got so fucked up they were going to throw her...
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pffft. all i can give is hugs...sending....NOW
You're no soulless heartless bitch. You're tottally right for being mad at that asshole chick.
Waiting on my friend as expected on girls night. Fun since I'm not a big fan of her live in bf, but whatever. Now I'm just waiting, dressed up and all.whatever
i hope you have a lot of fun smile
boyfriend/girlfriend: worst part of "our friend" :p
So girls night for my friends birthday tomorrow night. I am so not a social person. My friend Steph is one of these people who know this so well that she mentioned she has a friend that is also going out tomorrow night and are pregaming and she hesitated and was like i mention it because instead of just saying yes to her i know...
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ME3 has been robbing me of my sleep, I'm not posting any pics because that would be cruel and unusual punishment to anyone reading my blog. Hope you have a good time with your friend, say happy birthday and drink/smoke enough to stay relaxed wink
Ive done the single player multiple times, but ive only done the multiplayer once so im only level 5
3:50am and I am awake and I dont know why. Well I know why, my Dante woke me up climbing behind my bookshelf, but now I am not ready to sleep, but I am definitely not up for gaming, music, or reading. im existing right now. and smoking a bowl hoping it soothes me back into sleep. Shouldnt have turned on the light or the...
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omg ferrets are so cute!!!
Worked form home two days in row, now to go in for two mornings, I really need to sleep but the bf just left and i never really sleep well without him,

Made french toast for dinner too, which was wicked yummy, but at least now it will be like a food coma.
i love french toast mhmmm
i added a lil nutmeg and it gave it an interesting taste but still yummy
I am frustrated. For the 3rd or 4th time now my bf has broken up with me only to either take it back immediately or to follow it with an argument that leads to him saying breaking up its not an option and how he can't live without me, or can't see hits life without me and if we break up he wont go out...
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Only advise I can give is this. My longest relationship started that way, eventually it stopped, it was discovered that she had bipolar disorder. The relationship lasted 11 years before she ended it because she became homebound and reclusive. I went out mostly by myself and some mutual friends then some old friends then she decided not to trust me any more.
It can work, but it is a lot of work, only you can decide if it's worth it or not. It may not be a bad idea to get him a psychological test and see if there are some issues that may be able to resolved with therapy and if needed medication.
Just make sure you do what is best for you.
I'm bipolar, he just doesn't understand