apparently the breathing thing isnt getting bettter, i feel like i havent slept in ages and my bf said i was coughing all night. got up cuz out of a startle, went to work, got lost going to my new college adviserss office, think im gettin a cold and really wanna punch like 3 people in the face. 5 more hours until my boy makes it better if not more and i think im going to nap with how i met your mother in the background. after all i preactically have the first 6 seasons memorized.
on a good note im helping a photography class weds night so tons of pics to practice poses and faces with. i love my kristy she is great
on a good note im helping a photography class weds night so tons of pics to practice poses and faces with. i love my kristy she is great
I know a bunch of people you can punch if you like