I'm starting to get a bit angry, I'm getting antsy. I'm getting irritated by there being a whole lot of folk claiming to be politically agnostic in a large degree. A whole lot of "Politics? Who cares?!" I'm really throwing things against the wall seeing that here of all places. Has SG really turned into the Twitterverse? Into Instagram all the time, every day? Is it now just Tik Tok and OnlyFans until we bleed our eyes out hitting on subs and paying for whatever content to make our days a simple mirage of water colors fading off into utter obscurity? Fucking hell.
There was a time this was about not just women asserting themselves as beautiful, but asserting a politically correct view of the world. Where progress was tantamount to everything else. It wasn't about the likes. It wasn't becoming "pink" it was about standing up for things that were real. Body positivity. Progressive inclusivity. Things that punk rockers and metal heads loved. Where piercings met tattoos and tattoos met real meaningful changes in the general public image of people who thrashed hard against the oppressive norms of society.
Now I just see "Like me." And "Come to my OnlyFan." And give me acknowledgement. And I'm bowled over. You hit me in the seven fucking ten split. And I don't blame the women, the models, the ladies at large. Nope. I blame all of us subscribers and wait with baited breaths because -we- are the problem. We have forgotten the purpose of all of this.
This is about beautiful women who are alternative. Women who are not always thought of as beautiful in society but we are part of a group who celebrate -their- beauty at large. And that is press of progressive thought. That things are better when we are a community of people who continually beat against the cages that are thrown up all around us. That perhaps we acknowledge that politics are not now, nor have been for a long time, neutral. That there is no fence to sit upon anymore. That you are either pro-democratic society or anti-democratic society. That you desire freedoms of thought, and speech, and being able to love one another regardless of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and myriad of other definitions or you demand some singular thought process of man and woman.
In the United States this is not a debate. This is a war. In the world this is a constant conflict. And this. This place, right here? This has always, to me, been place where we just come together and agree the world will be better acknowledging that all forms of beauty, all forms of gender, all forms of sex, all forms of orientation, all forms of identification, and gratification, and joy come together into one illustrious grand display of support.
But I just don't see it.
Too many people fence sit. Just don't take a damn side.
So I take a side. I am for body positivity, for gender acknowledgement, for love is love, for JOY TO OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH, to railing against the oppressive society, and I refuse anyone who doesn't take a stand. If you don't? You are simply a coward.
Crossroads. Pick a damn side already.
Love is love.