What does the Constitution of the United States does.
Funny, people liked it. I'm going to assume people never even thought about it. That is the best I can presume about the state of this nation and people outside of it who look at us. Don't think about it. Pass out. Toss out a like. Whatever. Life goes on.
But the question was honest. What does it do? It is a document that supposedly rules over the singular nation that dictated what the "Free World" is. Shouldn't we figure out what it actually does? Because it does something. It is a functioning thing. Arguably, one might state, it is the central cog in the machine that keeps this country spinning around on an axis that vacillates constantly.
So. What does it do? What does it not do?
Perhaps the latter is easier to handle at face values. What does the Constitution not do? Here is a piece to either melt your mind or issue me endless hate. The Constitution does not grant you a single fucking right.
That's correct. It is not a document that gives you, me, some dude in Norway, some woman in Korea, some person who just arrived from Syria, a single dang right. That is not the purpose, the point, the matter-of-fact language of the document.
Check it. The Bill of Rights which is the first ten amendments, if you didn't know that welcome to class and take a seat. None of them are placed in the positive. The First amendment doesn't -give- us the right free speech. What does it do? Class. Say your peace. Argue it out. Speak back and forth. Correct, the First Amendment -prevents- the government from restricting free speech. Tone is thus set. This is a document where rights are not conferred. Instead, the Constitution is far more simple.
This is a document that limits the government's ability to restrict rights.
This equals an endless cycle of argumentation over the language of the second amendment. Fact is that it does say very clearly "a well regulated militia" which is, fact, the fucking National Guard so get over yourselves owning things that blow the limbs off people and turn children into slaughter-fields. Are you a "well regulated militia"? If you're not part of the National Guard, which is the effect of a regulate militia, then you can take your AR-15 and shove it up your ass.
Of importance. This brings us to the ninth amendment. The darling duck among the geese. An amendment stating that right not enumerated within these first ten shall not be restricted, infringed, nor disparaged. Well then. What do we make of that?
So like. A woman's right to decision about her own medical health would fall into something like that, right? Those first ten don't mention that, except for the ninth that clearly defines there is that ability. Marriage equality falls right in line with that. Your right not have cops storm into your house and arrest your for huffing those dabs, hitting the bong, and so forth really is part of this as well.
Are we clear where the slope gets really slick and in a super fast way? Roe gets cancelled? Next on the block is Marriage Equality. Then comes contraception. Then comes Castle Rule. When the flood gates are opened the water spills forth. When Pandora opens the Box every comes out with the exception of Hope. When the tooth paste gets spurted across the counter you can't put it back.
But we have arguments we can make when we pound the streets. Greater than chants. We can argue our own Constitution. Because while it does not give us rights. It does restrict the government who is trying to take them away from us. The ninth makes Roe untouchable. Pound that hard. Make that sing.
When it comes to the second?
If you support owning an AR-15 go fuck yourself.
I grew up in the era of Columbine.
I'm sick of seeing children, adults, young adults, and everyone die for you to have a right to be an asshole.