Why did I select this tag to define my political positions? It seemed the most appropriate.
I'm not leaping onto some bandwagon that chants for burning down the state. Why? You can't burn down the state. That is a simple factual statement. So let us assume that with success the "state" has been "burned down." Do any actually believe that such a power vacuum will exist without being filled in some capacity? Is there actually some vapid belief that the political process, in whatever guise you want to dress the system of power, will cease to exist? That can't be an actually held belief. Let alone what happens to the guidance of basic infrastructure if successful? Is there consideration given to people starving? To roads decaying? Bridges collapsing? The creation of laws to govern a social mass? The way to enforce those guidelines? Public education? Are these all things that the people are simply going to perform without being told to? No. Power systems are required, and have been for longer than humankind perhaps cares to admit, and will not go anywhere.
As such I hardly find myself ascribing to specific political affiliations. I've studied enough to realize the failures of Communism on an ideological basis. Monarchies, constitutional Monarchies, Despots, Dictatorships, and on and on fall short of proper governing. I fully agree with the concept that the government cannot be divided from the people elsewise the people can never be properly governed. So does this mean I'm all on-board with Democracy, Republics, and Democratic-Republics? Not really. The pitfalls are vast and many, the people have say but not direct control which is beneficial and detrimental all in the same moment. How about a Theocracy? Hardly. A state ruled by an institutionalized religion has a tendency of likewise being governed by those who maintain radical belief systems that strive to categorize and separate the people from each other.
I am a United States citizen. So can I be divided into Democrat versus Republican? You could parcel me out if you wished to. I'll hide no bones, I've voted for Gore, Kerry, and Obama twice (to be fair in the Democratic primary of 2008 I did vote for Hillary and I stand by that decision). Political gravity does seem to pull me towards the Democrats. But I hardly find everything acceptable. I have issues with each and every one of these politicians (don't even get me started on the fear-monger Gore who puts wallet before ethics). I find myself growing irritated when people claim me to be part of one political party. I feel a greater amount of irritation when the words "liberal" and "conservative" are thrown back and forth as slurs. While a more radical voice that is quite unsettling has taken up residence in one of those camps, I'm looking at you Tea-Party, I hardly find the division between the two as insurmountable as the media enjoys to present. Don't even get me started on the concept of "Socialism," most who use it don't even have a rough concept of what it means. In this country it is a word that seemingly is spat out instead of spoken. Wickedness follows in the wake without any regard or realization of the beneficial concepts that socialism offers to post-industrialized nations.
So why "None apply, you assholes"? Because I deny these categories. I deny those wanting to tear down the state, I deny those wanting to prop up specific political representations simply because of some misplaced loyalty usually inspired by nurture instead of nature. I refuse to be part of the petty concept of drawing lines in the sand and then seeing who can piss across them first.
So back to the beginning. Why would I not want to tear all this down? Because what is going to replace it? This requires more than simply the wishful concept of people joining together in productive communities. Now I do support part of the slash-and-burn tactics that these individuals demand. The social fabric as we know it needs to be torn and resurrected far before anything political. We, as a society, must let go of our preconceptions. We must tear out the heart of what is considered beauty so everyone feels the confidence of being who they are. We must rip down the concepts of race and how those concepts direct our perception of people from the very beginning of our nurtured state. Sex, gender and sexuality needs to be re-envisioned by all of us. What is most important is that people must see everyone as people. Now that is a wishful concept, but that is one that will also do more than simply tearing down the state. It will allow the state to evolve to represent the society it governs.
You can never simply break the machine. But we can change what the purpose of it is for.