Alright we're taking a brief break from my annoyingly long list of music that no one cares about. Usually I'd just keep going because I'm neurotic but I figure this is more important.
What are you doing with your hair?
This is a question that is applicable to everyone, men and women alike. I understand this is a community, right? And a community searches, in an ideal fashion, to benefit everyone. But that benefit is especially needed by those who are young, disadvantaged, chronically ill, disabled or any combination of those. Even more if you fall into all four. So here's the thing, there's only so much any one individual can do about helping other people. Right? But there is something you can do.
So can you grow hair? On your head, up there where all the gray matter is that keeps us pleasantly aware people. Do you already have long hair? Well what are you doing with it? I mean other than dying it all sorts of wonderful colors and taking pictures to give other people hairgasms. Here's something you could do with it. Donate it.
Donate it you ask? Well I'm certain many of you are familiar with a foundation called Locks of Love. If you're not then welcome to the inner circle. Locks of Love is a non-profit organization that takes hair from donors and fashions them into hair-pieces for financially disadvantaged people under the age of 21 who have any number of diseases, chronic illnesses, or genetic differences that cause them to suffer hair loss.
Does this benefit people? Yes.
Be a part of helping people feel better about themselves. Be a part of helping someone be able to smile. This isn't difficult. Your hair will grow back. You do not have to do this repeatedly, although that would be wonderful and it is what the top of my head is dedicated to, but you should do it once.
Think about a young child who has lost their hair being able to smile into a mirror while wearing what you have freely given to them.
As a community you, me, we could make a difference for quite a few people. If you believe that part of being part of this world is making the earnest attempt to better it then how could you say no? Go here: and check it out. All of the information for how to prepare your hair and send it is there. If you don't want to chop it off in a big stoned ceremony you can find local stylists who are trained to do so. I promise you that you will find them in your area. Well I make that promise if you're in the United States, I can't really make promises about places I've never lived.
If you don't at least heart this you lack one. Seriously. Do something for someone else, and this is something that hardly takes any time to do. You have the hair, you're going to get the inches they need cut off slowly over the next year anyways, so why not put it to some actual good use.
Think about it and join the rest of us who have decided if we can grow something that can be donated for the betterment of people then we should.