I'm starting to get a bit angry, I'm getting antsy. I'm getting irritated by there being a whole lot of folk claiming to be politically agnostic in a large degree. A whole lot of "Politics? Who cares?!" I'm really throwing things against the wall seeing that here of all places. Has SG really turned into the Twitterverse? Into Instagram all the time, every day? Is...
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What does the Constitution of the United States does.

Funny, people liked it. I'm going to assume people never even thought about it. That is the best I can presume about the state of this nation and people outside of it who look at us. Don't think about it. Pass out. Toss out a like. Whatever. Life goes on.

But the question was honest. What...
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I grew up in the era of Columbine too. The second amendment guarantees the right of INDIVIDUALS to bear arms. Yes, it does mention a well regulated militia, but it does NOT say that you must be a member of the National Guard. It says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Period, full stop. Why do individuals have the right? Because the National Guard is just that, it is delegated to the states, but can be pulled under the direct control of the FEDERAL executive branch by executive order. Therefore it is no defense against a tyrannical government.  I’ll keep my AR-15, thanks. And my AR-10, and my SKS, and…. You can keep your opinion. That is your right.
I'll keep my opinion, much like you will your own protected as both are. But the actual amendment reads: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." There are actually some pauses put in there indicating, linguistically, that it is a complex sentence and thus a complex idea. I respect the fact that you are actually citing the majority opinion from the 2010 Heller decision that Scalise wrote, but that hardly closes the book on the discussion (sic. decision that overturned Roe and marked that precedent created by former decisions is no longer respected). Thus, actually, the right can be trimmed, hedged, and decided upon by both the Legislative branch through amendments and the Judicial is a case deeming such reached the Supreme Court again. And go ahead, keep all those guns if you want. It's your most certain current right to do so. But let's not pretend the second amendment does not state exactly what I said it did. Only it utilized three commas, denoting inserted conditions, and then a full stop.

Okay. I get it.

There are naked girls on this site and it's pretty much what it does. Naked inked girls. Naked pierced girls. Naked women all around! Hey kid, take your shot! Dream girl, unimpressed! You can hit a naked girl! C'mon and hit a naked girl.

And blah, fucking, blah blah blah.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate naked inked and pierced women...
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So those with a keen might be all, "Hey, this dude had Black Flag bars on his arm .. but .. only one got inked. What's the what stuff?"

So that is a picture from about, let me think about this. Tick tock, add the one, subtract the two, divide by half. So probably seven years ago? That would be about three years after the...
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There is a moment I look at the clock and go, "Well here I am and I know I must be somewhat drunk because it's that hour everyone else who is normal is asleep and .. oh .. wait .. let's open another beer and take some double shots." Why? Because things are broken.

Gather around ladies and gentlemen, children of every background, gather around...
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Eight years since I was around this neck of the woods. Eight years. A near world has passed by. Lifetimes have changed. I have friend who didn't just have children, but those children are actual walking and speaking people. Like. They are little people still, but still people. Old enough for school, sadly old enough to apparently get shot while trying to be educated.

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So on this site, perhaps not surprisingly, the words feminism and feminist get tossed around quite a bit. People drop it in group topics, in group posts, in blogs, videos, even descriptions of photographs or videos. Feminism is on the minds and tongues of quite a few people around these parts and yet sometimes I find myself in frustration or quandary over the usage of...
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I've just been thinking that I wasn't entirely certain what "third wave" feminism mean - I had seriously just put in on my list of shit to learn about.  Glad I came across this.

Why did I select this tag to define my political positions? It seemed the most appropriate.

I'm not leaping onto some bandwagon that chants for burning down the state. Why? You can't burn down the state. That is a simple factual statement. So let us assume that with success the "state" has been "burned down." Do any actually believe that such a power vacuum will...
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Once again the styling of Richard Brautigan.

"Flowers for Those You Love" -Richard Brautigan.


Butcher, baker, candlestick maker,

anybody can get VD,

including those you love.


Please see a doctor

if you think you've got it.


You'll feel better afterwards

and so will those you love.