- on spitfire's post on risingjihad's page
- on What are you reading right now? in lit club
- on SG Book club? in lit club
- on spitfire's post on risingjihad's page
- on I would love writing pals just to message via SG in no friends
- on What are you playing right now ? in Gaming
Words continue to spill out of me onto the white of the screen as tears build in my eyes. I cannot stop the feeling that comes when I write academic papers. I have tried but each attempt marks a failure. My fingers have begun to feel heavy against the letters of the keyboard. Each word pounds outward from me in a rhythm that escalates faster...
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I wake up sweating. My stomach feels like it's trying to push down through my body. I pick up my phone and look at the time. I slept for six hours and now I must work. Deadlines approach and I cannot afford to waste precious time in bed.
Rolling to the side I slowly sit up and hang my legs over the mattress. Instead of...
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I push back from my keyboard. My hands rub into my eyes. I grind the heel of my palm against my eye-lids until they begin to water. There is a short-story I remember where the narrator does this same action only the intent is to see colors. I try to remember where I read that story, I am convinced it was in a black literature...
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My hands pick up speed as I type. The words pour out of me with an anger at myself that cannot translate to the screen. I feel my tongue swell too large for my mouth and I reach for a cigarette that has been smoldering in the ash-tray for the a paragraph. A feeling like sickness creeps up my legs and wraps around my midsection....
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Alright so the way I figure this I'm unusually bored, unable to sleep (nothing new), relatively stoned, and figured why the hell not. Let's have story corner! So here's the way I'm going about this, I write short fiction, non-fiction, historical fiction, and blahblahblah yaddayaddayadda. Since these tend to be a bit on the longer side I figured I'll post them in parts. Read it...
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So a general running theme in the language I have used lately tends towards category, categories, categorization, and so on, and so forth. Why? Why am I so preoccupied with this concept?
Well there are several reasons. First of all I study literature. In studying literature I have to deal with something that for most people is a non-issue idea. Genres. Genres are categories and...
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Clever opening, designers. Clever way to encourage the blog to be created.
So I was sitting here at the computer, it's late, I'm relatively stoned as to be expected at this hour. I click the cute little pen symbol for the blog while thinking, "I don't have anything to write about." The very first words that draw my attention solve this problem.
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So the other evening I had a minor rupture in my general patience. I sat here and began considering what about the writing of others can irritate me to such a degree. Generally I suppose it's from being trained to do something I'm likewise trained to train other people to recognize and stop doing. Sounds relatively backwards. To simplify, I was categorizing. Creating boundaries that...
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I have always told myself that at times we all must feel like an asshole. A dick. A douchebag. A cockmonger. A shitbag. An asshat. The terms seem absolutely endless!
Now generally, I say generally and not as some rigid absolute, I try to behave myself. I attempt to act the modest sonofabitch who is a bigger fan of self deprecation than egotistical empowerment. More...
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I suppose arguably this isn't the most vital of activities in my life. Lack of readers removes any form of stress from feeling compelled to keep an updated blog. Even still my time has some additional freedom in it so I might as well toss down a few words.
My last post was a relatively self-absorbed romp through general emotional issues. I'll try to keep...
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