Basics: Met someone 13 years ago and married them 9 years ago. 2 boys (Monkey's) and 1 who my wife had from a previous relationship.
The Good Stuff Starts: After our second child was born my wife told me that she no longer had any interest in sex so I should go find someone else but that she really did't want to know about it. As you can guess this was a big punch to the gut and kick to the lower region also. I have spent since them trying to get things back on track, which has meant many many times of my feelings of love and stuff building up inside and us having an argument where I bring up the fact that I find it very difficult to lay in the same bed and be around someone who I can't touch, kiss, hug and stuff. Loads of times she has said that we can try to get things sorted but after 1 week of things moving in the right direction would all fall apart again. Last big fight was during January where I moved out of the bedroom and slept in my computer room (I know not my fault so why am I the one in the computer room).
Everything about this girl I love. Part of her issue is that when I first met her she was somewhere between a size 12-14 UK and over the time and because of babies she was between a 18-20. I understand that someone can find this very hard to deal with but I feel in love with the person not the dress size. Like most if not every girl on this site the main 2 reasons for having a bounce in your step and looking so good when you do it is because you do it for yourself and your partner because you know that they are watching you and they think you are the most beautiful person on earth. I had all of this and its as if one day a switch was just turned off.