Waiting for some velvet morning...
Current events on this chilled evening: E3 coming up around the corner, trying to get to Sasquatch later on that week in May. And I have a trip to Mexico planned for sometime within the next couple of months. Tropical drinks and a flair of the exotic. Arcade Fire is the new shining star and on reapeat as I prepare for the night's long shift. Long shifts 5 days a week, and yet still no cash to blow. It is definately a time of Karma swinging back my way for the material gratifications of emotional support. It is very Sin City (which I loved. The excess violence and lust of the film was totally just...satisfying. And the visuals giving and taking from the viewer kept me blatently enthralled. Pretty and brutal and overall gorgeous). Total hedonism.
Current events on this chilled evening: E3 coming up around the corner, trying to get to Sasquatch later on that week in May. And I have a trip to Mexico planned for sometime within the next couple of months. Tropical drinks and a flair of the exotic. Arcade Fire is the new shining star and on reapeat as I prepare for the night's long shift. Long shifts 5 days a week, and yet still no cash to blow. It is definately a time of Karma swinging back my way for the material gratifications of emotional support. It is very Sin City (which I loved. The excess violence and lust of the film was totally just...satisfying. And the visuals giving and taking from the viewer kept me blatently enthralled. Pretty and brutal and overall gorgeous). Total hedonism.