Yea i still have no one to talk to i am guessin i hopin someone will just say something to me out of the blue i tried talkin to people i am still just confused nothing new exicting though expect the power in my house was out for awhile which actually just sucked.
Work sucked like usally, and i got out early again but i do get my car this weekend a firebird
I should could use a gf i kind of have one but it is way to rocky right now and things are just goin down hill i don't know i hope someone talks to me evnentualy that would be awesome.
Work sucked like usally, and i got out early again but i do get my car this weekend a firebird
yah ..there is a n SGPhilly thing going on at Johnny Brendas in Fishtown...your best way there is over the Ben F. , take the 5th st. exit right at the right hand foot of the bridge....follow 5th st. N to Girard Ave. its a buncha blocks but like 3 or so lights, but aways up..make a rt. on Girard and go east till you hit frankford av. 2 blocks after the el tracks...JB's is on the left hand side corner of Frankford and Girard......round 930 -1000.
yay for friends! see?! its great! and all the people on sg are wonderful! i ahve met so many new awesome people! and we all share something in common.. PORN! =x