in your head it all makes sense.
the days fall around us.
we in our skin
move as we are.
in my mind it never has, or will.
forcing it with love n time cant make it.
passion is in the eye, found on the cheek
red with blush. the right
word can bring it to the surface
as quickly as you draw blood.
where do you find beauty
n how quickly do you believe in love?
the days fall around us.
we in our skin
move as we are.
in my mind it never has, or will.
forcing it with love n time cant make it.
passion is in the eye, found on the cheek
red with blush. the right
word can bring it to the surface
as quickly as you draw blood.
where do you find beauty
n how quickly do you believe in love?
I see things not necessarily as they are,
But as they could be.
I look upon the hate and malice
of the world,
And I see divine equilibrium, balance.
For every instance of cruelty and horror,
Theres an moment of sheer beauty.
Regardless of whether it's the beauty of another,
The wonders of the natural world,
Or that blinding light that radiates from a couple in love.
For the belief in love can be as strong as any other driving force.
It can see us through the worst of times,
And sometimes it becomes the worst of our times,
But no matter how badly burned, we all hope for our moment.
Our chance to sicken the world with cute expressions of love,
And to brighten even the gloomiest of days....