what a great past couple of days.......
Friday: Worked day shift at the hustler... dayshifts are kind of a drag... but it was an awesome day. all of my favorite girls were working so i had a good time and made a killing.
Got off around 7pm and my good friend Risa called me, who i haven't seen in a loooong time and asked if i had made a few cd's that she asked me to make for her a while ago (some people dig my taste in music).. hehehe... any ways, i told her i had them and that i was DJing at fletcher's that night. she said she would come out and have a few beers. My buddies mark and mark had just wrapped up a b-horror movie (pleasures of the damned) and had the premire that night.. they ended up having the screening after party at fletchers and all kinds of people showed up. My friends doug and coach who i met when they worked for TROMA came along with the party. oh yeah, risa actually showed up as well... we all had a damn blast. I Almost forgot i was actually working.
that's risa
anyways, everyone went home and landis and i packed up and headed home as well.
so, when i got home i had a couple of beers and my cousin butter cup (scott) who is the head of hospitality at the hustler called me around 3:30am saying that his mom (my aunt) and our grandparents came into the hustler that night. Now, check this out, my family is SUPER religious, my parents and grandparents don't only go to church on Sundays.. they go everyday! I couldn't even say "crap" growing up. So to make a long story even longer... MY MOTHERFUCKING 82 YEAR OLD GRANDFATHER GOT A MOTHERFUCKING LAPDANCE FROM MISS NUDE MARYLAND!!!!!!!!! I was freaking out. I had to call this girl (taylor) and freak out on her.... I thought the whole thing was a joke. I was wrong.
I'm just glad they didn't come in while i was there.. i would have freaked the fuck out.
Saturday: Woke up and called my brother to tell him the story.. of course he was like "bullshit!.. whatever.
So, soon after mercie called me up and wanted to know if i wanted to get some food like substance. She picked me up and we went loco hombre and had some fancy ass mexican food.... it was awesome, so was the margarita. Even though i had to be at work soon, we went for drinks at holy frijoles and had a great time drinking too much, talking too much and smoking too much.
I had to go to work... a little drunk, ooooops.
This night, i had to work with xxx film star Jenna Haze, who i'm fairly familar with (ah hem). an awesome night and to top it off fragglerocker even came out to see Jenna... I totally "boob" fragglerocker....
anyways. Jenna was hitting on me all night. I'm not really used to being hit on, especially by a porn star. It was kinda strange. So, at the end of the night, when all of the employees were closing down and getting ready to go, Jenna came over to me and said some shit that i don't even think i could type right now. All i know is that she pretty much begged for my number, told me she was gonna fly out here in august to see me and some other stuff i can't type.....
my good buddy (and boss) parker, jenna haze, and me<
So, I said my "goodbyes" and headed home. Got home to find Risa sitting on my couch with my rommie lawandordercore and her male friend. I was like "what the fuck"... so those two went to bed and risa and i stayed up for a few hours talking and catching up. I really missed her... she was fired from the hustler like 6 months back for having too many tattoos... which is bullshit, but i won't get into that. So, we talked for a bit, then i headed to bed. I hope she doesn't become a stranger again, she's an awesome friend.
Sunday: Slept all fucking day to get ready for the >hustler's hospitality party... fucking 10 hour shift. Fuck.. but i guess it paid off in the end.
Monday: Slept and cleaned. Now i'm here... hi.
Friday: Worked day shift at the hustler... dayshifts are kind of a drag... but it was an awesome day. all of my favorite girls were working so i had a good time and made a killing.
Got off around 7pm and my good friend Risa called me, who i haven't seen in a loooong time and asked if i had made a few cd's that she asked me to make for her a while ago (some people dig my taste in music).. hehehe... any ways, i told her i had them and that i was DJing at fletcher's that night. she said she would come out and have a few beers. My buddies mark and mark had just wrapped up a b-horror movie (pleasures of the damned) and had the premire that night.. they ended up having the screening after party at fletchers and all kinds of people showed up. My friends doug and coach who i met when they worked for TROMA came along with the party. oh yeah, risa actually showed up as well... we all had a damn blast. I Almost forgot i was actually working.

that's risa
anyways, everyone went home and landis and i packed up and headed home as well.
so, when i got home i had a couple of beers and my cousin butter cup (scott) who is the head of hospitality at the hustler called me around 3:30am saying that his mom (my aunt) and our grandparents came into the hustler that night. Now, check this out, my family is SUPER religious, my parents and grandparents don't only go to church on Sundays.. they go everyday! I couldn't even say "crap" growing up. So to make a long story even longer... MY MOTHERFUCKING 82 YEAR OLD GRANDFATHER GOT A MOTHERFUCKING LAPDANCE FROM MISS NUDE MARYLAND!!!!!!!!! I was freaking out. I had to call this girl (taylor) and freak out on her.... I thought the whole thing was a joke. I was wrong.
I'm just glad they didn't come in while i was there.. i would have freaked the fuck out.
Saturday: Woke up and called my brother to tell him the story.. of course he was like "bullshit!.. whatever.
So, soon after mercie called me up and wanted to know if i wanted to get some food like substance. She picked me up and we went loco hombre and had some fancy ass mexican food.... it was awesome, so was the margarita. Even though i had to be at work soon, we went for drinks at holy frijoles and had a great time drinking too much, talking too much and smoking too much.
I had to go to work... a little drunk, ooooops.
This night, i had to work with xxx film star Jenna Haze, who i'm fairly familar with (ah hem). an awesome night and to top it off fragglerocker even came out to see Jenna... I totally "boob" fragglerocker....
anyways. Jenna was hitting on me all night. I'm not really used to being hit on, especially by a porn star. It was kinda strange. So, at the end of the night, when all of the employees were closing down and getting ready to go, Jenna came over to me and said some shit that i don't even think i could type right now. All i know is that she pretty much begged for my number, told me she was gonna fly out here in august to see me and some other stuff i can't type.....

my good buddy (and boss) parker, jenna haze, and me<
So, I said my "goodbyes" and headed home. Got home to find Risa sitting on my couch with my rommie lawandordercore and her male friend. I was like "what the fuck"... so those two went to bed and risa and i stayed up for a few hours talking and catching up. I really missed her... she was fired from the hustler like 6 months back for having too many tattoos... which is bullshit, but i won't get into that. So, we talked for a bit, then i headed to bed. I hope she doesn't become a stranger again, she's an awesome friend.
Sunday: Slept all fucking day to get ready for the >hustler's hospitality party... fucking 10 hour shift. Fuck.. but i guess it paid off in the end.
Monday: Slept and cleaned. Now i'm here... hi.
thank you for your help this morning. you're awesome :o)
I boob you too Jeff. I am showing off my jenna pic likes its new baby or some shit.. I love it.