feeling 99% contented right now... Lanny gave Carly and I two days off to go to the Okanagan - thank fucking god. I've seriously been thisclose to hanging myself in the freakin' stairwell over things at work for the last little while - they are all long stories and rants. Nothing that needs to be taken out here.
But seriously. I love Lanny. I love him like a second father. He's always totally compassionate about everything, and he just seems to know the right things to do and say in every situation. I think the only reason that I ever underestimated him in the beginning was Jasen's influence on him. It's always funny to be oot and aboot with Carly, talking about "Lanny gave me a bonus for this" "do you think Lanny'll give us time off for that?" etc and etc... and not so much speaking of him as a typical boss, but as a positive figure. The best way to describe it is that we are like Lanny's angels. I tried to get the three of us to dress up for halloween - Carly'd be Drew, obviously, I'd hafta be Lucy, and Todd'd be Cameron - not only by defaut but also cuz there really is a tad of a resemblence there... but no one went for it.
That's essentially why it's so hard for me to take the thought of leaving the studio seriously. Lanny gave me a life and a future. I totally owe everything I ever do in the industry from this day forth to the opportunity he gave me here. And besides - do I honestly think I want to move to New York all by myself?
I suppose Rachel will be there soon for me to hang with, but with Rachel will come Andrea who had a major tendancy to be hella irritating and her bizzarre dude of a husband. ...wait a second... isn't Andrea working for RCA New York and hanging out with the guys from the strokes and shit like that??? ... perhaps it wouldn't be so bad......
commence processing.
But seriously. I love Lanny. I love him like a second father. He's always totally compassionate about everything, and he just seems to know the right things to do and say in every situation. I think the only reason that I ever underestimated him in the beginning was Jasen's influence on him. It's always funny to be oot and aboot with Carly, talking about "Lanny gave me a bonus for this" "do you think Lanny'll give us time off for that?" etc and etc... and not so much speaking of him as a typical boss, but as a positive figure. The best way to describe it is that we are like Lanny's angels. I tried to get the three of us to dress up for halloween - Carly'd be Drew, obviously, I'd hafta be Lucy, and Todd'd be Cameron - not only by defaut but also cuz there really is a tad of a resemblence there... but no one went for it.
That's essentially why it's so hard for me to take the thought of leaving the studio seriously. Lanny gave me a life and a future. I totally owe everything I ever do in the industry from this day forth to the opportunity he gave me here. And besides - do I honestly think I want to move to New York all by myself?
I suppose Rachel will be there soon for me to hang with, but with Rachel will come Andrea who had a major tendancy to be hella irritating and her bizzarre dude of a husband. ...wait a second... isn't Andrea working for RCA New York and hanging out with the guys from the strokes and shit like that??? ... perhaps it wouldn't be so bad......
commence processing.
everbody gives somebody a chance. it's not the nature of the business. but it's up to you to further it. it's a survival of the fittest. simply because too many people wanna do it. i had the chance to run and start my own company and i never looked back. AND everyone understood. even the guy that gave me my start.
a friend of mine moved to nyc and lived there for about a year. she didn't know anyone there when she moved, and still had a great time for the most part. sometimes she'd call on the phone, crying, saying she felt she was being swallowed alive by its abundance and chaos. eventually, she returned to california. anyway, i think knowing a person in a new city is important, but sometimes it can be a bit more liberating when you don't, you know? welp, thanks for commenting in my journal. you have great taste in books, by the way. kundera's words are beautiful. as are your little stars.