okay. spontaneous adventures to small hick towns can be fun. i'm really glad i let them twist my arm into that trip... the drive down was amazing. i don't get out of the city nearly often enough, and driving through canary-yellow canola fields under a pink and purple sunset sky whilst singing along to the get up kids four minute mile fucking ruled. that album brings back memories, and to be sitting next to erin while belting it out i knew she was remembering the same things. it's funny how usually as time goes by we forget the good stuff and remember only the bad, but from those days i can only remember the good... it's not like there was not bad, but for some reason i don't recall how any of the tough shit felt. i only remember how amazing it was to be less than twenty and thinking you had the whole fucking world figured out - looking back i think that maybe we did have it all figured out and now we're drifting farther from what's real.
the drive home was not quite so fun at first. being the only sober one in the van with no one to keep me awake on a one lane highway through buttfuck nowheres... until i put on left and leaving... it has, as of this morning, been officially decided that this is my current favourite album of all time (a lofty compliment, which tends to change at a moment's notice or less). the reason? not only does singing it while i'm driving save myself and other's lives, but lyrically it has come to mean so many different things to me at so many different times. it fits every heartache and happy moment like a glove. does john k. know that he does this to people's heartstrings? who knows. who cares...
... the only important question is, should i throw my panties at him when they play next week or what?
can i get a hell yeah?
the drive home was not quite so fun at first. being the only sober one in the van with no one to keep me awake on a one lane highway through buttfuck nowheres... until i put on left and leaving... it has, as of this morning, been officially decided that this is my current favourite album of all time (a lofty compliment, which tends to change at a moment's notice or less). the reason? not only does singing it while i'm driving save myself and other's lives, but lyrically it has come to mean so many different things to me at so many different times. it fits every heartache and happy moment like a glove. does john k. know that he does this to people's heartstrings? who knows. who cares...
... the only important question is, should i throw my panties at him when they play next week or what?
can i get a hell yeah?
hell yeah, road trips rule.

hell yeah, i love the small towns.