AZViperVenom550 [1:44 A.M.]: hello
RiotOwnzYou [1:45 A.M.]: y0
AZViperVenom550 [1:45 A.M.]: whats up
RiotOwnzYou [1:47 A.M.]: not a whole lot
AZViperVenom550 [1:47 A.M.]: me neither
AZViperVenom550 [1:47 A.M.]: bored here
AZViperVenom550 [1:48 A.M.]: i should have taken the viper out and found a willing girl
RiotOwnzYou [1:48 A.M.]: so you use your cars to get chicks?
AZViperVenom550 [1:49 A.M.]: well i bought it for myself
AZViperVenom550 [1:49 A.M.]: but they love it
RiotOwnzYou [1:49 A.M.]: isnt that kinda....pathetic?
AZViperVenom550 [1:49 A.M.]: but then i get offers for money too i guess
RiotOwnzYou [1:49 A.M.]: do you not have the social skills to talk to women?
AZViperVenom550 [1:50 A.M.]: yeah why do u ask
AZViperVenom550 [1:50 A.M.]: i didnt buy it to pick them up
RiotOwnzYou [1:50 A.M.]: because you use your car to get chicks....that usually means you lack something
AZViperVenom550 [1:50 A.M.]: nah...its just funny to watch them go crazy
RiotOwnzYou [1:51 A.M.]: so you'd rather pick up shallow chicks only into your vehicle and not ones you can talk to?
AZViperVenom550 [1:51 A.M.]: oh love one to talk to better
AZViperVenom550 [1:52 A.M.]: but sometimes a guy just needs some fun
RiotOwnzYou [1:53 A.M.]: so instead of finding a cute girl with conversation skills, you'd rather use your car to get shallow ones
AZViperVenom550 [1:54 A.M.]: well when a guy has any money they all are attracted to you and its hard to tell nice ones from shallow ones
RiotOwnzYou [1:55 A.M.]: ummm...yes it is
RiotOwnzYou [1:55 A.M.]: you just dont use your car to get chicks
RiotOwnzYou [1:55 A.M.]: because that attracts the shallow ones
AZViperVenom550 [1:55 A.M.]: so then even the shallowone seem nice and have good conversation
RiotOwnzYou [1:55 A.M.]: if you used your conversation skills, you could dodge that bullet by a mile
AZViperVenom550 [1:56 A.M.]: heck...even on here i get quite a few offer to have sex for money
RiotOwnzYou [1:56 A.M.]: umm...sure
AZViperVenom550 [1:57 A.M.]: must be a lot of broke girls on here
RiotOwnzYou [1:57 A.M.]: how would they be broke if they are supposedly "offering you money for sex"
RiotOwnzYou [1:57 A.M.]: nevermind, im done with gone.
*And Rizo, since i know you'll be the first to read this, im still waiting for your entry, slacker-ass..dont make me sick some canucks on you*
My car does not get me girls and I've neve been offer money for sex, I must be doing something wrong ... either that or I missed the point of that whole thing completely