I took my father to get his first tattoo today for his 54th birthday. I tried getting him to go for his 50th but my mom got in the way and ruined that plan. She didnt seem to care this time. Hes happy he finally got one and im happy i was the one that talked him into it and not my brother. Im awesome.
That's pretty bitchin, little lady.
Too funny! That totally rocks! A couple years ago at Christmas time I wanted to get another tattoo and I talked my step-mom into coming with and getting her first tatoo. She's like in her mid 50's. She got a little unicorn on her lower back. It was sweet!
Im just going to throw out random things & see what comments i get back.

I had a dream the other night that i was one of Hugh Hefners gfs, even though im not blonde and i have no desire for geriatric love.

What is the proper ettiqutte for graveyards?? I was visiting my grandpa the other day & i always walk between the headstones...
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I'm not sure I'd like someone walking over to me when I was visiting a lost relative or friend. Probably because I'm a big cryer, though, but I'd appreciate a smile.

And don't lie, Sarah, you secretly yearn for some geriatric love. Or at least a little bit of his money.

Im actually not a money grubber. Granted, i have a shoe addiction that would make Imelda Marcos cry in shame, but i got mines, y0.
This one im calling MY CAR VS. THE CITY.

K, we all know the effin lightrail construction isnt going away anytime soon, so we all have to deal with it. So ive encountered something else to bitch about. It seems the neverending struggle between valets & metermaids will never end.

I usually valet my car at the hotel where i work because paying Gina, my...
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I used to work at the Wells building down there...cubicle HELL! Hated it.
PS fuck lightrail!
Im watching Sex & The City at 8am. What the fuck.
My throat feels better.
And my boss told me to stumble into work today whenever i felt like it.

I love being able to go in whenever I want. Doesn't happen often!
My throat hurts. I started taking diet pills 2 days ago and thats when it started. Stupid immune system. No good to nobody.
The bitch is back. Took 4,000 years to reset the goddamn password, but it finally worked.

Hi pretty lady!!
I had an account before this one but I couldn't remember the damn password to reset my account... super lame.

Nice to meet you, I'm Mary. kiss
I got a new job where i can capitolize on being adorable. My boss calls me the Betty Boop of Y2K. Im not sure if thats borderline sexual harassment, but eh. Im not anal enough to sue. And people keep asking me what i want for Christmas, so heres a short list.

1- Freaks & Geeks box set.

Thats about it.

Get shoppin, asshats.

i scored that boxset a while ago when my roomie moved out and accidentally left it with my boyfriend. now it's mine. it's easily one of my favorite tv series.
Your boyfriend Bob Saget has a new gameshow, you seen it? 1 vs. 100!
I met a hooker today and she gave me a free condom. It was enchanting. The hooker. Not the condom. Although she spoke very highly of it.

miao!! rawr!
hooker condoms are the best
Hey, hookers don't give you condoms if they don't think you need it. I don't speak from personal knowledge, just general observations. How you holding up? Holidays suck, bah fuckin' humbug.
Living Canvas!!!! Thats where I go also!!! MIke, I think I see you underneaththat hat!!!......He did my Sinner tat on my ribs....good man.......he's also done my boyfriends ink.....high props to MIke! smile What's you get?
My half awake cocky bitch self.

Chris- *away message* "all those who dont want to get deleted better send me a message within 24 hrs"

Riot, Beyatch: you couldnt delete me even if you wanted to, ass.... you looOOOoooOOOooove me

Riot, Beyatch: your life would be meaningless and lose all joy

Riot, Beyatch: you would sit around and masturbate to nothing but the filth and...
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Yup, I'll be there Friday. After this complete hell week, I'll need some Three Bad Jacks and a lot of Guinness and/or Hefeweizen combined with vodka.
Whilst taking my Tinkerbell adorned daughter out last night, i came acrossed a house with a 10 yr old boy sitting outside handing out candy. This is the conversation that ensued....

*boy with painted face sitting in a chair with a bucket of candy in his lap, pretending to be dead*
him: -lackluster- "boo"

me: "If you would have scared my kid, i would have...
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aww. that kids sounds rad. how old is your kid? i have a 5 year old. i wish our encounters with strangers last night were half as exciting as that story tongue
So... they're firing people at work again. This is round 2 since ive started working there. Me and my gal Ashley are the sole survivors of 30 that were hired when our store opened. Well, there is one other person, but im sure he'll be amongst the fatalities. You dont call in every other day hungover and expect to keep your job, do you??? Silly...
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