How is it that one can wake up feeling so fucking good?
Concert tonight, Matchbook Romance!!!
I opened my eyes from my slumber, to find my bad ass outfit still on my is real! I did create a piece of art last night, when I painted the fuck out of a t-shirt. White, with black and red. I love to create...
I wanted Jake (my boyfriend) to be with me tonight in an indirect way...he is on a trip right now and won't return until Friday. pout pout. I would give my left arm for him to be with me. I can't change his momentary, physical void but I can carry him with me, in different ways. My t-shirt reads: "Jake's Girl" on the front. I bought one side of a handcuff to symbolize that I am already committed and his favorite colors are red and black.
I go from being emotionally high as fuck to slipping into
a dark abyss in a matter of ten minutes...
Chicks and hormones should be outlawed but I would not change who I am for anything.
I will accept taking the good times and the bad times with a grain of salt... life is bittersweet and I want to taste every bite!!!
Tears are just a form of sterilization! We all need to let go and shed a tear or two...hell, maybe even crack the dam and let that mother fucker spill out and flood your feet.
This is life.
I'll post some pictures of tonight so you guys can see how fucking cute I am going to be for my baby! I know he will smile.
Jake-if you can hear me..."I Miss You!!!"
Concert tonight, Matchbook Romance!!!
I opened my eyes from my slumber, to find my bad ass outfit still on my is real! I did create a piece of art last night, when I painted the fuck out of a t-shirt. White, with black and red. I love to create...
I wanted Jake (my boyfriend) to be with me tonight in an indirect way...he is on a trip right now and won't return until Friday. pout pout. I would give my left arm for him to be with me. I can't change his momentary, physical void but I can carry him with me, in different ways. My t-shirt reads: "Jake's Girl" on the front. I bought one side of a handcuff to symbolize that I am already committed and his favorite colors are red and black.
I go from being emotionally high as fuck to slipping into
a dark abyss in a matter of ten minutes...
Chicks and hormones should be outlawed but I would not change who I am for anything.
I will accept taking the good times and the bad times with a grain of salt... life is bittersweet and I want to taste every bite!!!
Tears are just a form of sterilization! We all need to let go and shed a tear or two...hell, maybe even crack the dam and let that mother fucker spill out and flood your feet.
This is life.
I'll post some pictures of tonight so you guys can see how fucking cute I am going to be for my baby! I know he will smile.
Jake-if you can hear me..."I Miss You!!!"

Hey how you been? I beening meaning to update my damn journal but just haven't had time....been traveling abit. Anyway just wanted to let you know I'm good and still thinking about the spidey. Got to run but definitely talk later.