Part of a Sci-Fi / Fantasy novel I'm working on for submission. Remember this is very rusty and unfinished.
Step by step Tellian backed up in fear of what stood not 100ft before him. He had fought many things in his time but this was different. An intelligent machine with flesh. He was on a mission to rescue a little boy that was captured by Cerebra, and he intended to find out why they had done so. He held his P31's ready for these things to make a move. These things were pacing back and forth like they were waiting for something. Then in an instance one jumped right in front of him. There was nothing left to do so he let them have it. He unloaded round by round into this thing only slightly damaging it and keeping it at bay. Then he heard Delivei, "Come on this way I found the building". Then she jumped down to where he was and they put an end to this creatures existence. The others looked like they were ready to pounce so they ran. Tellian followed Delivei through the jungle to a round shaped building. They wondered why the creatures had not followed, they would soon find out. They used a small explosive on the front door and rushed in ready for anything, but there was nothing. No men to stop them, no alarms, no automatic weaponry. For such a high priority mission this was to unsettling. They slowly walked down the hall as they figured out where to go next. The door they saw had the famous symbol of Cerebra so they went for it. It opened into a lab of sorts with many rooms surrounded by clear glass windows. Then they heard something so they ducked, it was a guard robot designed to patrol an area not in use at the time. "I hate AI" said Tellian, Delivei couldn't help but quietly laugh. Tellian snuck up behind the robot and put a bullet through it. They saw a set of stairs and decided to take them up. As they opened the door the first thing they saw was a man standing in a glass control booth with monitors and all kinds of controls. The man saw them and went for the alarm but wasn't fast enough. Delivei said, "look". Tellian noticed the chamber in front of the booth with only a small window on the door. Delivei ran to look inside. What she saw brought a tear to her eyes. The boy lay there with needles and tubes attached to every part of his body. "We have to get him out" Delivei screamed as she pulled at the door. Tellian place another explosive on the door and it cracked the lock enough to open it. They pulled all the tubes off the boy and all the needles out. As they left they noticed another set of stairs leading up. This place was only a two story building so this had to be the roof. They made it to the roof and a great doom came over them both. Hundreds of those creatures now surrounded the complex just waiting for them. They're vehicle lay behind this line. The boy was still dazed and unable to walk so they laid him between them as they prepared for this loosing battle. With guns itching for a little action the creatures inched closer and closer. They began climbing the structure so Tellian and Delivei tried to hold them off the roof as long as possible. Shot by shot they were being pushed further and further back. At that moment they heard something that sounded like a helicopter. It was just that, but they weren't sure if it was hostile or some sort of rescue. A ladder dropped and it was their only hope. They latched on with the child as the chopper flew them from harms way. As they were in flight the ladder was cranked up. A man and a woman were there to help them in. Tellian said, "Who are you people". The man said, "Well I'm Arcane and this is Jasa". "Why did you help us?" Tellian replied. Arcane smiled and said, "Lets just say we were after the same thing". Delivei was a little frightened they planed on taking the boy until she heard the pilot say, "Don't worry we don't want to take him, we just want him safe." "Who are you?" Tellian asked as he sat in the co-pilot seat. "My name is Marcescent, but everyone just calls me Marce" "And why risk your life to keep this boy safe?" Delivei chimed from the back. "Because he is my son".
Step by step Tellian backed up in fear of what stood not 100ft before him. He had fought many things in his time but this was different. An intelligent machine with flesh. He was on a mission to rescue a little boy that was captured by Cerebra, and he intended to find out why they had done so. He held his P31's ready for these things to make a move. These things were pacing back and forth like they were waiting for something. Then in an instance one jumped right in front of him. There was nothing left to do so he let them have it. He unloaded round by round into this thing only slightly damaging it and keeping it at bay. Then he heard Delivei, "Come on this way I found the building". Then she jumped down to where he was and they put an end to this creatures existence. The others looked like they were ready to pounce so they ran. Tellian followed Delivei through the jungle to a round shaped building. They wondered why the creatures had not followed, they would soon find out. They used a small explosive on the front door and rushed in ready for anything, but there was nothing. No men to stop them, no alarms, no automatic weaponry. For such a high priority mission this was to unsettling. They slowly walked down the hall as they figured out where to go next. The door they saw had the famous symbol of Cerebra so they went for it. It opened into a lab of sorts with many rooms surrounded by clear glass windows. Then they heard something so they ducked, it was a guard robot designed to patrol an area not in use at the time. "I hate AI" said Tellian, Delivei couldn't help but quietly laugh. Tellian snuck up behind the robot and put a bullet through it. They saw a set of stairs and decided to take them up. As they opened the door the first thing they saw was a man standing in a glass control booth with monitors and all kinds of controls. The man saw them and went for the alarm but wasn't fast enough. Delivei said, "look". Tellian noticed the chamber in front of the booth with only a small window on the door. Delivei ran to look inside. What she saw brought a tear to her eyes. The boy lay there with needles and tubes attached to every part of his body. "We have to get him out" Delivei screamed as she pulled at the door. Tellian place another explosive on the door and it cracked the lock enough to open it. They pulled all the tubes off the boy and all the needles out. As they left they noticed another set of stairs leading up. This place was only a two story building so this had to be the roof. They made it to the roof and a great doom came over them both. Hundreds of those creatures now surrounded the complex just waiting for them. They're vehicle lay behind this line. The boy was still dazed and unable to walk so they laid him between them as they prepared for this loosing battle. With guns itching for a little action the creatures inched closer and closer. They began climbing the structure so Tellian and Delivei tried to hold them off the roof as long as possible. Shot by shot they were being pushed further and further back. At that moment they heard something that sounded like a helicopter. It was just that, but they weren't sure if it was hostile or some sort of rescue. A ladder dropped and it was their only hope. They latched on with the child as the chopper flew them from harms way. As they were in flight the ladder was cranked up. A man and a woman were there to help them in. Tellian said, "Who are you people". The man said, "Well I'm Arcane and this is Jasa". "Why did you help us?" Tellian replied. Arcane smiled and said, "Lets just say we were after the same thing". Delivei was a little frightened they planed on taking the boy until she heard the pilot say, "Don't worry we don't want to take him, we just want him safe." "Who are you?" Tellian asked as he sat in the co-pilot seat. "My name is Marcescent, but everyone just calls me Marce" "And why risk your life to keep this boy safe?" Delivei chimed from the back. "Because he is my son".
a novelist eh!! thats my dream in life to write a novel
Good Luck my dear!

I like it. Keep up the good work