WooHoooo! just got back from the summer slaughter tour and it was awesome!!! big shout out to Conducting From the Grave, Carnifex, After the Burial, Dying Fetus, Origin, and Suffocation for kicking soooo much ass tonite! and thx to the same uber hot girl i see at shows all the time, she's the cats meow and i wish i had the guts to go up...
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CFTG and Carnifex is on this years bill? Well I'm going to the Denver date on the 23rd and can't wait to so Born of Osiris again!!
Unfortunately CFTG and Carnifex only played night one in SA. they were booked as special guests cuz they're on a seperate tour. sometimes its good to live in SA. lol.
Dang its been awhile. heres a quick summary on whats been up with me. partied at fiesta, workin like crazy, saw the atticus tour, Oceano, and Misery Signals in the span of a couple of weeks, realized i cant find a date even on a dating site, contemplating on asking out aan acquaintance of mine, and saving up for a whole gaggle of summer tours...
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Oh dang its been fo eva since i posted so here goes nothing. Spent income tax on comics,toys,statues and dvds. almost broke my nose and got a black eye after seeing Veil of Maya and After the Burial which was an awesome show btw. no date for valentines which is laaame. gonna see Despised Icon and Carnifex tomorrow night (woohoo). my brother moved out with...
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Ooh not with your face to remember my ex--boyfriend!!
Ooh not with your face to remember my ex--boyfriend!!

Woo Fuckin Hoo!!!! just got back from seein Walls of Jericho and they kicked fuckin ass! the crowd and venue was lame as hell but i still managed to have a good time! also saw Bring Me the Horizon and Misery Signals on sunday and gat totally fucked up as in my left shoulder is all bruisd up and my bottom lip got all cut...
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Fuckin awesome weekend! saw After the Burial, Emmure, and Suicide Silence friday night and bought some cool merch! then watched Saw V at my work afterwards with some friends, it sucked but i was laughing the whole time cuz people are actually really into this crap. then bought Guitar Hero at the midnight on saturday and played all night. cant wait for halloween, gonna give...
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Thanks for the kind words..
I would not even let someone pay me to watch Saw movies 

Sooo, ive got mt dream truck! a used 2008 Nissan Frontier. i haggled the hell outta the salesmen and got a great deal. lol! the next day however my poor lil pug, Kiwi is her name, got out the gate and was hit by a car. turns out all she got was a couple of scrapes and a good scare. the doctor gave her some...
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The Acacia Strain never lets down.
Holy shit! im almost died last night! while leaving work i swerved on the highway to avoid hitting a dog and ended up totaling my car! the cops on the scene where surprised that i walked away without a scratch, or anything major anyway! oh well tomorrow the insurance company cuts me a check for my loss so i can get a new ride. and...
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Oh wow, that's intense! It's good to hear you're alright! Hopefully you missed the puppy too.
I'm always told I'm shouldn't, but I swerve for the smallest little creatures in the way while I'm driving.
Luckily, I live in a small town so the speed limits don't allow me to drive very fast, so I'm never swerving crazy or anything to cause a wreck.
So, ping pong, huh?
I'm always told I'm shouldn't, but I swerve for the smallest little creatures in the way while I'm driving.
Luckily, I live in a small town so the speed limits don't allow me to drive very fast, so I'm never swerving crazy or anything to cause a wreck.
So, ping pong, huh?

It was already dead? Yikes, that's awful that no one reported it and had it removed before a wreck occurred. Your wreck, that is.
RAWR! my best friend and i had a huge argument so apparently we're not friends anymore! LAME! i need to get out more! if anyones up for anything im off tomorrow night! gonna head over to the blue bubble room cuz my friend set up a show there! then probably gonna check out first friday or chill with some other friends at hot tin roof!...
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Sorry to hear about you and your friend. Hopefully things have panned out between you both by now though. 

Blah! things have been suckin major ass the last couple of days! first im broke cuz i hadt to spend like 200 bucks to fix my car then one of my friends gets fired from work for smokin out on the job! he got busted by market security which is like the first time they've done like anything! on the bright side im almost done...
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It's been awhile since my last post so here"s whats up with me! Drove 10 hours to take my best friend to visit her mom in kansas! She's gonna be gone for like 3 months and i miss the hell outta her! the summer slaughter tour came thru here on the 4th of july and it kicked ass! Bought a ton of merch and saw...
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