Hey friends. I am getting ready to get out of here for the weekend. I am going on this crazy trip and I am not exactly sure what to expect.......One of my really good friends parents are in town from Mass. and they have these five friends that a few years ago bought all this property in southern Oregon on the coast. It used to be an Easter Seals place for handicapp children to go and.....play I guess. It has five houses on it that they have reinvented and remodeled into crazy fun houses. There is a huge kitchen that was built to cook for tons of people and my friends folks own their own catering business so they will be cooking AWESOME food for us. There is a water slide built into a hillside that goes into the lake that was built for retarded kids. So we can get all kinds of silly and not get hurt! One of my friends laughed and said 'good, it's you guys proof'. Ha. We'll see.
So we are about to drive a couple of hours where we will then be picked up in a boat by some guy named Mouse and camp for the next couple of days right under the stars. Driving to this island obviously isn't an option, hence the boat. I like the idea of being able to party all I want and not have to drive anywhere. Plus there will be about 80 people there from age 2-70 so my social butterfly son will be very busy and very entertained. what more could I ask for? Oh yeah, sunshine. Got that too.
Good Fucking Times.
And for your viewing pleasures, I'll throw some pictures into the mix.
Some pretty flowers. Why not?
This girl knows what she likes.
If you ever see this guy in real life, run. Run very fast.
Those are my legs. Sometimes they take me out dancing when I would rather stay at home.
Last but certainly not least, we have Jack. We are going on a big trip next week and will be doing a lot of backpacking so we had to buy him some doogy boots to protect his pads. So funny to watch him run in these. He walks like he's trying not to touch the ground and does the splits in the air at the same time. Sorry they are kinda hard to see, but you get the idea. One more.......
K, bye.
So we are about to drive a couple of hours where we will then be picked up in a boat by some guy named Mouse and camp for the next couple of days right under the stars. Driving to this island obviously isn't an option, hence the boat. I like the idea of being able to party all I want and not have to drive anywhere. Plus there will be about 80 people there from age 2-70 so my social butterfly son will be very busy and very entertained. what more could I ask for? Oh yeah, sunshine. Got that too.
Good Fucking Times.
And for your viewing pleasures, I'll throw some pictures into the mix.

Some pretty flowers. Why not?

This girl knows what she likes.

If you ever see this guy in real life, run. Run very fast.

Those are my legs. Sometimes they take me out dancing when I would rather stay at home.

Last but certainly not least, we have Jack. We are going on a big trip next week and will be doing a lot of backpacking so we had to buy him some doogy boots to protect his pads. So funny to watch him run in these. He walks like he's trying not to touch the ground and does the splits in the air at the same time. Sorry they are kinda hard to see, but you get the idea. One more.......

K, bye.

i'll keep you updated about my private jet