HeYoO. O. o. O. Oh. Ouch, my body hurts in just about every place possible. Even places you didn't know could hurt. But it was all worth it. Good flippin Times.
Being the good lil picture taker that I am......hehe not true.....I FINALLY got my shit together and took some. Even though you are probably falling off your chairs with excitement, I'm sorry to tell you that your gonna have to wait until later today. I probably have to resize them and I don't have time right now. Doesn't mean I don't love you, though cuz I do.
Being the good lil picture taker that I am......hehe not true.....I FINALLY got my shit together and took some. Even though you are probably falling off your chairs with excitement, I'm sorry to tell you that your gonna have to wait until later today. I probably have to resize them and I don't have time right now. Doesn't mean I don't love you, though cuz I do.

i'm raising a crop of dirty fanatic idealists.
guess how you can tell when they're ripe.