Soooooooooooooo I decided I'm going to pretend that I don't really care that I shouldn't spend money and that I should save it for going on vacation this summer, and just buy a new digital camera. After requesting friendships, for not too many other reasons that to fill the space under 'ringleaders friends', i'm wondering if people are thinking who even is this alleged ringleader? some...................oh lot's of funny things i probably shouldn't write. Anyhoo, it just comes down to the fact that i need to buy one. Hey maybe i should look at it as thinking how many great pictures i can take on my vacation, instead of, if i don't save my money i'll only be able to drive down the road 100 feet and call that a vacation. What I really need is to find a wallet with an ass ton of money and no identification.........
Also, what kind of ring do you lead?