Survived the first week of grad school while the temperatures here in Chicago dropped to 0. Yes the thermometer actually read 0 at one point. Makes you want to just stay inside and do a whole lotta nothing or a whole lotta something
Classes are going well, but the feeling of your life belongs to them has finally set in as I get to go to class, lab, study and workout. Other than that the commitments are next to nothing for me, which is really quite nice
Oh, check out the photos for an update on my winter project bike rebuild. Taking an old Raleigh's steel frame, stripping it down and rebuilding it as a single speed bike to get around town with. My road bike, Speedy, is just a lil too valuable to be leaving chained up places so this one will be her replacement for getting around sans training
Hope everyone else is warm, cause I know I'm not... got two kitties cuddling for warmth too.

Classes are going well, but the feeling of your life belongs to them has finally set in as I get to go to class, lab, study and workout. Other than that the commitments are next to nothing for me, which is really quite nice

Oh, check out the photos for an update on my winter project bike rebuild. Taking an old Raleigh's steel frame, stripping it down and rebuilding it as a single speed bike to get around town with. My road bike, Speedy, is just a lil too valuable to be leaving chained up places so this one will be her replacement for getting around sans training

Hope everyone else is warm, cause I know I'm not... got two kitties cuddling for warmth too.
I just returned to school myself though technically it's a second degree (BFA). However I'm 26 and they're all 19-24 so I might as well be a grad student. They gave me grad housing til I could find a place of my own. Which given the number of idiots I've seen underage drinking puking everywhere in the 15 degree snow I'm glad for.
Wow. 0 degrees. You might have us beat. We've had negative wind chills (which my dad the fluid dynamicist says is just a phony baloney measurement) but no negative or 0 degrees. Yet. I guess they don't call it the Windy City for nothing.
That bike restore looks pretty sweet. I left my bike at my dad's on accident. But I suppose I'm a wuss and it's too cold for me to ride it right now. That and Ohio State is probably right up there with Chicago as a horrible place to lock up a halfway decent bike. I mean you have to take your seat with you. Some dumbfuck stole the seat of my last bike. And it wasn't even a nice seat.
So now you've got me beat...with your VISIBLE BIKE!
Best of luck with the grad school. Don't let it get to you! Hang in there. Hugs