So it took me more than a month to get back on here... Not good I know, but then life gets hectic and the time just flies on by. Biggest news is that minxie and I are going to be moving within Chicago. Wish grad school starting up in January we've decided to move into a less expensive place to try and save a lil ol mulla. So we'll be packing up the place and taking it over there in small steps. The biggest plus about it too is that we'll now end up with more room in the long run
Preparations for the wedding are still on-going and the debate is now where to actually hold the thing so it won't cost a freakin fortune. You'd be amazed at how much places gouge you just because you want to do a wedding there. Slowly the thought of just eloping (sp?) somewhere is looking better and better. Either that or Vegas baby, Vegas!
And in family news... I'm now another uncle. My sister-in-law finally squirted out the second lil one and I'll be heading up at the end of the month to see the new lil poop factory. Brother is happy and things are goin well for all of them. My other nephew has taken well to having a little brother as well and is already helping out with the chores. He's such an awesome kid.
Now last but not least... I've gotten more ink! After much debate and wondering, I've taken the plunge and extended my right arm into a half sleeve with a koi fish design. So far I've had one sitting and the outline and most of the black shading is done. I'm guessin maybe two more sittings with Zac at Deluxe Tattoo in Chicago and I'll be done. Pics coming soon, promise!
Well, now off to enjoy the day off with minxie!
Cheers all!

Preparations for the wedding are still on-going and the debate is now where to actually hold the thing so it won't cost a freakin fortune. You'd be amazed at how much places gouge you just because you want to do a wedding there. Slowly the thought of just eloping (sp?) somewhere is looking better and better. Either that or Vegas baby, Vegas!
And in family news... I'm now another uncle. My sister-in-law finally squirted out the second lil one and I'll be heading up at the end of the month to see the new lil poop factory. Brother is happy and things are goin well for all of them. My other nephew has taken well to having a little brother as well and is already helping out with the chores. He's such an awesome kid.
Now last but not least... I've gotten more ink! After much debate and wondering, I've taken the plunge and extended my right arm into a half sleeve with a koi fish design. So far I've had one sitting and the outline and most of the black shading is done. I'm guessin maybe two more sittings with Zac at Deluxe Tattoo in Chicago and I'll be done. Pics coming soon, promise!
Well, now off to enjoy the day off with minxie!
Cheers all!
I was just thinking of you and Minxie the other day. I think my mental telepathy is working because I did that with Summer and sure enough she called me after not hearing from her since her move to FL.
Any way thank you for your nice note, and yes it sucks that girls get so damn girly jealous and such. She is still being a bit petty, and I am sure that will never change, but the nice thing is I am in a good place and at peace with everything. So I say "what ever" and keep truckin' on.
Thank you about my jewelry business as well. I am having a fun time with it, and hope it does well.
Got to hang with Sam and Jen for Sam's birthday and they are doing really well, too. Life here is good but cold, and with the Holidays around the corner we are sending out Christmas cards. Send me your address by email and we will send you one.
kisses to you and yours,
ps if you get married in Vegas, do it in March the man and I are going to be there for four days and we could be witnesses!