W00t! place is looking great now. Mom came in and turned into the slave driver to force me to unpack everything and get it all organized. Pain in the ass at the time but the results are definitely worth it. unfortunately though my camera is at the g/f's place so going to have to wait for the next update to gain some pics
I promise it'll be worth it.
Life is just progressing along and still working on locating a job but that search will be starting tomorrow. In the meantime, it's catch up on the snuggles with the g/f and stay warm tonight in a freakin cold cold part of the world...

Life is just progressing along and still working on locating a job but that search will be starting tomorrow. In the meantime, it's catch up on the snuggles with the g/f and stay warm tonight in a freakin cold cold part of the world...

Can't wait to see pictures!!!! 

Me too, waiting on those pics!