♥ I got my bird tattoo finished!

_mike_ is amazing! It looks even better now that it's all healed. Next up: this week Irinka are getting little matching tattoos together! it will be super fab.
♥ My class is going okay, I've been procrastinating on doing my essay because it doesn't have a due date (just have to send it in when I'm done) but I want to get a good portion done today.
♥ I have a lot to do on my xmas shopping: I've only finished my mom, stepdad, and one of my secret santa ladies! Yikes I better get on it. I know what I'm getting for most people but I really need to whip it up, especially since most of the people I'm getting gifts for live in Canada and it takes a while for things to get there.
♥ Saw Taye on Friday: it was fun because she is awesome!
♥ Now it's time for Animal Wonder Numero Uno: Mimic Octopus!
This fascinating creature was discovered in 1998 off the coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia, the mimic octopus is the first known species to take on the characteristics of multiple species. This octopus is able to copy the physical likeness and movement of more than fifteen different species, including sea snakes, lionfish, flatfish, brittle stars, giant crabs, sea shells, stingrays, jellyfish, sea anemones, and mantis shrimp. This animal is so intelligent that it is able to discern which dangerous sea creature to impersonate that will present the greatest threat to its current possible predator.
Cephalopods are fucking AMAZING. I am still working on my book about Giant Squid and it's just unbelievable how smart cephs are!
♥ next: Ghost bat!
Ghost bats are awesome because they are white and cuddly-looking. Plus check out this crazy ass nose!
Here it looks like a nice old man.
♥ Oh, here is my pooch! What a surprise....wait, not really. I nominated him. This site is really cute.
B) that octopus is awesome. I love how the crab is all up in his business, then, when the octopus starts "flexing" the crab is all "Oh hey, sorry. I don't want any trouble."
C) my oldest used to say "optifoots" and now I still call them that.
D) the Duggars drive me nuts mostly because they're making their older children raise the ones they keep tossing out. I figure, in a couple more years, one of those kids is going to totally rebel and all hell will break loose in the Duggar compound.