♥ It is extremely ironic that I asked you guys about your allergies in my last blog because this weekend I stumbled on a new allergy:the antibiotic Bactrim! Fun, right? Especially since I have a chronic infection thing going on where only a couple drugs can treat it and bactrim is one of them.
Double especially since I got welts, swelling, and had difficulty breathing, and had to pay $100 this weekend for two visits to urgent care and all my various prescriptions. I'm just lucky that my reaction was not super terrible and that we had money in the bank to pay for all this stuff. But, I am okay now so no need to worry.
♥ My current obsessions:
- Antarctica! I can't wait to travel there. It is one of my top travel goals! I saw Encounters at the End of the World this year and it was stunning and bleak and wonderful. Besides, I have long read about the Antarctic explorers--Shackleton, Scott, Amundsen. There's a particular kind of romance involved in the expeditions of a hundred years ago. Anyway, I am going to go to the end of the world someday.
- Ukraine! My ethnic heritage is about half Ukranian and I am just getting into Ukraine. No wonder all the Ukrainian immigrants ended up on the prairies. Ukraine is mostly rolling fields itself...and what a battleground. Today I have been reading about the unbelievable repression that Ukrainians faced under Soviet rule. I can never wrap my head around the horrible things people can do to eachother. I am not often moved by things I read (but I'm getting more sympathetic as time goes on) and today I was just destroyed first-hand accounts of life during the starvation period of the early 1930s. One of my friends traveled to Ukraine last year and she said the people were really unfriendly, but I want to go anyway. It's been rated one of the hardest places in the world to be vegetarian but I don't care, I will eat rice and potatoes for two weeks or whatever. Also, I just watched Everything is Illuminated last week or two weeks ago so that helped re-start my fervor. The land is so beautiful. I guess it looks a lot like where I grew up, but whatever.
- Alberta<3<3 We watched Brokeback Mountain this weekend. It was filmed mostly, if not entirely, in southern Alberta while I lived there. Seeing the places that were so familiar to me made me really homesick. I can't wait to get home. It has been too long and I never imagined how hard it would be.
♥ Ack, I guess I have to go make supper, since I am hungry and it is that time of day. Wish I had some more to post.

♥ My current obsessions:
- Antarctica! I can't wait to travel there. It is one of my top travel goals! I saw Encounters at the End of the World this year and it was stunning and bleak and wonderful. Besides, I have long read about the Antarctic explorers--Shackleton, Scott, Amundsen. There's a particular kind of romance involved in the expeditions of a hundred years ago. Anyway, I am going to go to the end of the world someday.
- Ukraine! My ethnic heritage is about half Ukranian and I am just getting into Ukraine. No wonder all the Ukrainian immigrants ended up on the prairies. Ukraine is mostly rolling fields itself...and what a battleground. Today I have been reading about the unbelievable repression that Ukrainians faced under Soviet rule. I can never wrap my head around the horrible things people can do to eachother. I am not often moved by things I read (but I'm getting more sympathetic as time goes on) and today I was just destroyed first-hand accounts of life during the starvation period of the early 1930s. One of my friends traveled to Ukraine last year and she said the people were really unfriendly, but I want to go anyway. It's been rated one of the hardest places in the world to be vegetarian but I don't care, I will eat rice and potatoes for two weeks or whatever. Also, I just watched Everything is Illuminated last week or two weeks ago so that helped re-start my fervor. The land is so beautiful. I guess it looks a lot like where I grew up, but whatever.
- Alberta<3<3 We watched Brokeback Mountain this weekend. It was filmed mostly, if not entirely, in southern Alberta while I lived there. Seeing the places that were so familiar to me made me really homesick. I can't wait to get home. It has been too long and I never imagined how hard it would be.
♥ Ack, I guess I have to go make supper, since I am hungry and it is that time of day. Wish I had some more to post.

Agreed. It's going to be a good birthday.

You should get an engagement ring that you carry around for Pam. Will you help me pick up the perfect shade of mustard yellow for my shirt?