things worth mentioning:
1.) i had another set rejected. this one is not going into second chance. it is living permanently in my personal albums. you can check it out by clicking the link. here are some highlights. please give me feedback on it. some of my friends have said they could see why it was rejected--others have loved it.
this set is so me. i'm dorking around, eating pizza, just being a nerd in general. it was shot in dec 2007 by taye who is an awesome lady and great to work with. you may have noticed my new profile photo: it comes from the set and that is the lovely trixie who indulged me in feeding me veg pizza. we shot this set after a few glasses of wine, at about 2 am, so that is why i don't to much more than roll around on the bed

2.) i've been blond long enough: i do believe i will be a brunette by the end of the day.
3.) i have a huge to-do list for the day. lots of tidying that i didn't feel like doing on the weekend, catching up on letter writing, etc. i need to find the bank card for my canadian account, as my dad sent me a cheque for xmas and my bank won't cash it. a money exchange is charging $35 and 6-8 weeks, so i'm going to phone him tonight and request that he deposit it in my account, since he has access to it anyway. what would you do with a surprise $500? my beautiful, talented friend ladyexxa is drawing me a tattoo but i want to use this money slowly. i'm contemplating a ds lite, but i don't want to overload myself with techy games. i just bought zelda classic for my gamecube, just finished wind waker yesterday (all i can say is: omfg <3<3<3<3) and will pick up twilight princess soon. i have harvest moon + animal crossing i've been neglecting to play zelda. yikes! we are dropping WoW: it doesn't have a chance to come between me + link. sorry, mmorpg.
4.) prints? yes indeed!. even available in smaller sizes (like 4x6!) which is awesome. i don't often have money or wall space for huge prints so i appreciate the option to buy small
the selection includes:
5.) even though i have two new cats, i will never forget misty blue.
6.) i am trying to donate to one charity a month all year. i'm not sure which charity this month will be. i'm so bad, but i will decide by the end of the month!
7.) i start my new job taking care of _mike_ and _amy_'s baby, in a month. i am very excited to be doing something meaningful, instead of working solely to make someone else money.
8.) i'm trying to concentrate on real life more so i'm going to try to stay away from sg a bit. i'm not commenting a whole lot anyway (sorry guys! sometimes it just gets so overwhelming), so it shouldn't be much of a change. i have got such good stuff going on but it's hard to tear myself away from the computer sometimes.
9.) i aim to have live in three weeks. too ambitious? we'll see...