(i don't know why a dog dressed up like a lawn gnome yells 'chrifmsas' at me but it does).
- i have sooo many photos to post. here are two showing my turquoise hair. they are not great photos: i'm just posting them for the hair colour. my hair is back to blond now and i have been wearing cowboy shirts for the past few days.

while it was washing out--trying to wrangle the two cat army for family photos.

- two cat army!!!

(pepin on the left, henry on the right)
- uninterested cat is seriously uninterested

this summer, acet and i combined our forces of awesome to make henry into a lolcat (click the link if you haven't). acet recently discovered that uninterested cat is one of the most popular photos on 4chan. it's in the top 100 which apparently is pretty good. i don't know if they were listed in order of popularity on the photobucket page i saw but if so uninterested cat is like #25! henry is kind of famous. i would tell him but he's....wait for it.....just not interested. GROANNNN
- curiously, san diego has a bunch of streets near my house that must have been named by an albertan.

the second one is hard to see, but it's edmonton and calgary meeting. not pictured were stettler and camrose! HOLY HOT DOGS!!
- almost off to chrifsmas vacation! i'm going to williamsburg, va and sabre springs (or something like that) md! i even got a new winter coat for the excursion since mine is 1.) in canada and 2.) way too big for the weather
- we had our chrifsmas early because i was being a 5 year old. uproot got me some amazing gifts: hello kitty cutlery, a pink sweater and a gorgeous scroll wall painting thingy. i got myself a (used) 4g ipod mini. i got uproot an mp3 player to upgrade him from his broken shuffle and i got so envious at seeing an mp3 player with a screen that i decided it was time to upgrade from my (512mb!!) shuffle as well. i feel guilty for spending money on myself but i have had that shuffle since feb, 2005. i feel like such a consuming, disgusting pig but it's been almost 3 years so i'm not that bad. besides, i know my dad will give me some money for chrifsmas.
- my mom is donating money to a charity for me + uproot for chrifsmas. i am too lazy to dig out the specific charity i chose but it's the last one on my charity wishlist, for alexis goggins. she's a little girl who got shot while jumping between her mother and a gunman! uproot picked doctors without borders. <3
- i bought a gift off a suicidegirl's wishlist for the first time ever! a girl i've known for ages posted hers and she has a charity list up as her main one. it made me feel really good to do. i love, love, love giving gifts. i wish i'd had more money this winter to send nice gifts to everyone i love.
- ladyexxa bought me these ridiculous, lovely things called smencils! they are pencils, made of recycled newspaper instead of wood, soaked in scent. soooo good. even when you write with them the writing smells delicious.
- i got the legend of zelda: wind waker a couple weeks ago. i play it almost every day. i LOVE IT. it's such an amazing game. i think it's almost as good as ocarina of time. lofty claim, i know.
- i'm on the job hunt! mine sucks so i'm looking for a nanny position. when i move back to canada i'm going to go to school so i can be a massage therapist! i look forward to being able to help people feel better and improve their lives in such an easy way.
- i spent time with trixie and taye last weekend. it was so fucking sweet. i even shot a set, which i was not expecting to do. for an unplanned set i think it went pretty well and i guess you guys will just have to wait and see! plus i had so much fun drinking red wine and hanging out with the ladies. it was a laff-riot 5000.
- my rejected set is still rejected. check it out if you haven't!
- wow! this has been a longer entry than i anticipated. i am going to eat lunch, run errands, then come back to reply to old comments. i am so bad at that! anyway i hope you all have a really wonderful holiday and that none of you drink and drive and your new year's is 900% lovely! i won't have much internet access on my trip so let this be my farewell to 2007.

(i don't know why a dog dressed up like a lawn gnome yells 'chrifmsas' at me but it does).
- i have sooo many photos to post. here are two showing my turquoise hair. they are not great photos: i'm just posting them for the hair colour. my hair is back to blond now and i have been wearing cowboy shirts for the past few days.

while it was washing out--trying to wrangle the two cat army for family photos.

- two cat army!!!

(pepin on the left, henry on the right)
- uninterested cat is seriously uninterested

this summer, acet and i combined our forces of awesome to make henry into a lolcat (click the link if you haven't). acet recently discovered that uninterested cat is one of the most popular photos on 4chan. it's in the top 100 which apparently is pretty good. i don't know if they were listed in order of popularity on the photobucket page i saw but if so uninterested cat is like #25! henry is kind of famous. i would tell him but he's....wait for it.....just not interested. GROANNNN
- curiously, san diego has a bunch of streets near my house that must have been named by an albertan.

the second one is hard to see, but it's edmonton and calgary meeting. not pictured were stettler and camrose! HOLY HOT DOGS!!
- almost off to chrifsmas vacation! i'm going to williamsburg, va and sabre springs (or something like that) md! i even got a new winter coat for the excursion since mine is 1.) in canada and 2.) way too big for the weather
- we had our chrifsmas early because i was being a 5 year old. uproot got me some amazing gifts: hello kitty cutlery, a pink sweater and a gorgeous scroll wall painting thingy. i got myself a (used) 4g ipod mini. i got uproot an mp3 player to upgrade him from his broken shuffle and i got so envious at seeing an mp3 player with a screen that i decided it was time to upgrade from my (512mb!!) shuffle as well. i feel guilty for spending money on myself but i have had that shuffle since feb, 2005. i feel like such a consuming, disgusting pig but it's been almost 3 years so i'm not that bad. besides, i know my dad will give me some money for chrifsmas.
- my mom is donating money to a charity for me + uproot for chrifsmas. i am too lazy to dig out the specific charity i chose but it's the last one on my charity wishlist, for alexis goggins. she's a little girl who got shot while jumping between her mother and a gunman! uproot picked doctors without borders. <3
- i bought a gift off a suicidegirl's wishlist for the first time ever! a girl i've known for ages posted hers and she has a charity list up as her main one. it made me feel really good to do. i love, love, love giving gifts. i wish i'd had more money this winter to send nice gifts to everyone i love.
- ladyexxa bought me these ridiculous, lovely things called smencils! they are pencils, made of recycled newspaper instead of wood, soaked in scent. soooo good. even when you write with them the writing smells delicious.
- i got the legend of zelda: wind waker a couple weeks ago. i play it almost every day. i LOVE IT. it's such an amazing game. i think it's almost as good as ocarina of time. lofty claim, i know.
- i'm on the job hunt! mine sucks so i'm looking for a nanny position. when i move back to canada i'm going to go to school so i can be a massage therapist! i look forward to being able to help people feel better and improve their lives in such an easy way.
- i spent time with trixie and taye last weekend. it was so fucking sweet. i even shot a set, which i was not expecting to do. for an unplanned set i think it went pretty well and i guess you guys will just have to wait and see! plus i had so much fun drinking red wine and hanging out with the ladies. it was a laff-riot 5000.
- my rejected set is still rejected. check it out if you haven't!
- wow! this has been a longer entry than i anticipated. i am going to eat lunch, run errands, then come back to reply to old comments. i am so bad at that! anyway i hope you all have a really wonderful holiday and that none of you drink and drive and your new year's is 900% lovely! i won't have much internet access on my trip so let this be my farewell to 2007.

We took treats and items and food and such to the humane society here
I hope that you are well, and that we get to have fun writing this year! Me and rpg have things to send to you in the post