♥ more about cats! yay!!
i always call henry the creamsicle cat and here is a clever photo i took.
♥ i am eating microwave indian food from vons and it's not half bad! honestly, the spicing is right but the rice is a bit mushy.
♥ henry and pepin loved halloween.
♥ because i am such a crotchety old cat lady, i am starting a blog and putting it on rinster.net. it will be called FOOD! CATS! DOG! BLOG! and have pictures of stuff i baked/cooked and animal photo/rambling. this is mainly so i don't lose all my friends by talking about cats on here all the time. acet suggested it. he is mega brilliant!
♥ i am reading the oddesy. it is frickin' awesome.
♥ i have an internet connection at home now and it's great. it's a lot faster now that i'm not leeching off a weak wifi signal. yay! i'm going to start playing wow again. watch out, social life. you are going to be irrelevant soon.
♥ new things!
that was a good cat blog
yea I get my Rin back!