this is my tan, contrasted with my tanless, translucent breasts. it may not look like much but i'm the darkest i've ever been and i'm freckling like mad.
on monday the most amazing thing happened. i got TWO packages in the mail!
the first, from my homegirl ladyexxa contained

a kid's book/wand from england, a sticker of a drawing she did, two sets of asian stationary (including my favourite, wanwan fried chicken!) and a pack of little happy pill key chains. a pink one came with it too but it's on my key ring already.
and then:
from giggles, the seashell summer craft from the penpal group! it's a sand globe. like a snow globe, but with sand. it's really lovely and i was so happy to get it.

here is a close up.

♥ my last entry got some of my favourite responses ever!! thank you to everyone for being candid and sharing so much.
&hearts today i bleached my hair and after i was like omg it would be soooo great to cut my hair. i've cut my hair and it's never been awful, until this time. it looks SO bad. i wasn't planning on getting a professional haircut for another month or so but i'm going to get one this weekend. i have been self-cutting my bangs for like 3 years and i mangled them today! wtf!!! i am going to be so embarassed to go into the hairdresser and have her fix my awful haircut, i know she will be thinking 'WHY would you do this to yourself, moron?' and to make it better uproot made fun of me a lot when he got home. boo.
♥ i have almost all the paperwork done for my permanent residency. go rin! getting a green card is scary.
♥ i am SO bothered by people who lie about everything. it drives me crazy. i am an honest person so i just don't get the need to perpetuate deep lies.
♥ i went to chloe and trixie's for a girls only wine night on saturday. it was SOOOO much fun! i got way drunker than i thought i would. we made my old man pose for photos when he came to pick me up. he looks very nonplussed but i of course look thrilled because i had been drinking lots of wine. also because i am generally happy.

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