a trip into left field:
as soon as i moved out of calgary, i was kicking myself for never going out to the deane house, a supposedly very haunted restaurant near downtown. i have been reading, too, about supposedly haunted places in san diego. there are a bunch in old town and i want to go to them. at the same time i'm dreading the chill of experience i'm excited to go and see for myself. i really adore old restored houses so no trip would be a bust.
here is today's question: do you believe in ghosts/supernatural anything? have you ever had an experience you can't explain? do you think you've encountered a ghost? i love to read this kind of thing so if you want to type a lot that is cool.
i have been having one rant per journal entry lately and it's time for another. today's target is evangelical christianity.
the old hus and i have been watching jesus camp and it's absolutely awful. there are small children regurgitating crap about how some churches are dead and god only visits some, how america is god's land, pledging to end abortion and generally believing they are the
'generation to bring christ back'. i am one hundred percent for the freedom to choose religion. i will never beat down the idea of having a private religion. i don't care what you believe as long as you don't attempt to force it on me. the educators in this movie are making a dangerously ill informed brainwash army. it makes me sick. you should never forcefeed children propoganda, and i believe very strongly in the seperation of church and state. besides, a religion based on what to hate instead of what to love seems very, very dangerous.
me and hus have been going for swims later at night when he gets home from work. it's not exactly the same as lane swimming but last night we managed to splash around for an hour! it feels so good, and i feel like i've actually worked out at the end of it.
here are some pet photos!
i have been playing with buzz a lot lately--maybe 1/2 hr a day? that doesn't sound like much but he and i are just getting to be friends. note how much floppy mouth skin he has. WEIRD!
then he was all dog happy and had to roll around everywhere and act silly.
recently i realised, hey, cats like string and i have a million balls of yarn kicking around! so now henry has his own personal yarnball to slobber on and ruin.
and here is something totally awesome. i forget where in eastern europe this is from but it was a zoo. the keepers put a donkey in with a wolf intending it to be lunch. instead they made friends. look how the donkey is stickig its butt in the wolf's face and the wolf looks pissed. i think they are about to have a lovers quarrel. another hilarious thing is how ugly they both are. you guys know i love cute stuff. well, this is not cute stuff but i love it anyway.
a) who says it's someone else's table? huh?....huh?...that's right!..
b) explain to me the logic behing the opinion, that putting your head on a table is impolite?