i love the summer solstice. the odd thing about being in san diego this year is that i am used to the extreme northern solstice--i mean, i grew up at 53 latitude. the sun won't set tonight until 10.07. sunset tonight in san diego will be at 8pm. it just does not really feel like summer to me because it gets dark so early. it is so odd to live within a completely different latitude.
WIERD! all the hair just stood up on the back of my head. i wonder what's going on. i'm a strong believer that our subconscious selves know much more than our conscious selves. along with terrible skin one thing that seems to get passed down in my maternal side is moderate psychic ability. it sounds so hokey but there are so many times i've been confronted by my family knowing things that they could not know and in reverse having a connection with my mom i can't explain. i think maybe we have familial links we don't acknowledge. i don't mean to say that my superconnection with my mom is psychic in nature, but maybe all families have similar connections that twins often have.
but! i am a big believer in the idea that humans know so little about our world and ourselves so of course there are tonnes of things that are paranormal or unexplained. of course there are lots more that are easily explained even though they seem mysterious but i have had too many experiences in my life that hint at something more than i understand.
it is kind of obvious that i've been watching a lot of most haunted lately, but today's the solstice and this is a rin-and-her-mom holiday. i feel such a strong connection to her today. i wish i had a great photo of us together that i could post but all i have is this: a photo that lavonne took about a year ago when she did photos for my mom. this is me + my awesome mom running away from the horde of mosquitos that threatened to overcome us.
in other news, i still am out of work; i'm trying so hard to get stuff lined up but nothing's coming through yet. i have complete faith though. i trust that the money i need to pay off my bills is there and will come to me. like i mentioned before i will be selling prints soon so keep your eyes out!
my hair does not suck anymore, which is good. i missed leaving it down. i love driving with the windows down and feeling the wind in my hair.
other things i love:
♥ waking up early in the morning, not because i have to, but because i've slept enough. i love the cool air and long shadows of summer mornings.
♥ napping on the couch with my cat.
♥ burying my feet in the sand when i'm at the beach.
what do you love? tell me everything!
WIERD! all the hair just stood up on the back of my head. i wonder what's going on. i'm a strong believer that our subconscious selves know much more than our conscious selves. along with terrible skin one thing that seems to get passed down in my maternal side is moderate psychic ability. it sounds so hokey but there are so many times i've been confronted by my family knowing things that they could not know and in reverse having a connection with my mom i can't explain. i think maybe we have familial links we don't acknowledge. i don't mean to say that my superconnection with my mom is psychic in nature, but maybe all families have similar connections that twins often have.
but! i am a big believer in the idea that humans know so little about our world and ourselves so of course there are tonnes of things that are paranormal or unexplained. of course there are lots more that are easily explained even though they seem mysterious but i have had too many experiences in my life that hint at something more than i understand.
it is kind of obvious that i've been watching a lot of most haunted lately, but today's the solstice and this is a rin-and-her-mom holiday. i feel such a strong connection to her today. i wish i had a great photo of us together that i could post but all i have is this: a photo that lavonne took about a year ago when she did photos for my mom. this is me + my awesome mom running away from the horde of mosquitos that threatened to overcome us.

in other news, i still am out of work; i'm trying so hard to get stuff lined up but nothing's coming through yet. i have complete faith though. i trust that the money i need to pay off my bills is there and will come to me. like i mentioned before i will be selling prints soon so keep your eyes out!
my hair does not suck anymore, which is good. i missed leaving it down. i love driving with the windows down and feeling the wind in my hair.
other things i love:
♥ waking up early in the morning, not because i have to, but because i've slept enough. i love the cool air and long shadows of summer mornings.
♥ napping on the couch with my cat.
♥ burying my feet in the sand when i'm at the beach.
what do you love? tell me everything!
I, too, love waking up early and enjoying the morning
drinking chocolate soy milk
listening to music that fits my mood, sometimes the same song over and over again
SINGING ALONG with that song
playing in the rain
certain colors, like dark orange and grey and brown
laughing so hard I cry
laughing when I'm not expecting to
making someone laugh when I'm not trying to
flirting with old people (and the way old ladies laugh when you do it)
riding my bike really fast
working hard enough to sweat when it's cold out
Palmer's coy look when she wants to climb into my lap
figuring out a difficult stitch, even if it means taking out the work a couple of times
I don't know what makes me happy cause I'm still cranky but I'm sure I'll think of something. like pushing little peter into a garbage can so his legs are all sticking out the top. that would make me very happy.