i feel kind of gross today so i have been trying to lay on the couch and watch internet tv. unfortunately veoh is the worst site ever and i keep trying to watch star trek: insurrection but it won't load in full screen. i tried watching it in small screen but that was pooey. also i have been trying to make mr henry j hang out on the couch with me but he seems more interesting at staring at his full food bowl and meowing.
i've given up on star trek and i'm getting into watching a program about my boyfriend, genghis khan. he is pretty bad ass and i even read on discovery news that he has more living descendants than anyone else in history, or some huge claim like that. i guess all the raping and having lots of kids with his wives and whatnot turned out to be a viable path to genetic proliferation.

oh, those crafty mongols!♥
i've given up on star trek and i'm getting into watching a program about my boyfriend, genghis khan. he is pretty bad ass and i even read on discovery news that he has more living descendants than anyone else in history, or some huge claim like that. i guess all the raping and having lots of kids with his wives and whatnot turned out to be a viable path to genetic proliferation.

oh, those crafty mongols!♥
sooooo, basically everyone that goes to top 40 nightclubs....
you've got SARS!