♥ i am listening to 'thriller' and hopping in my seat. it is black michael jackson fun hour at my house! soon i may attempt to moon walk and wear one glove and have a gently curled lock of hair hanging over my forehead.
okay, who am i kidding? i never do my hair.
♥ladyexxa is in the hood. good times have been had.
♥ my cat is a cuddlefunmeow.
♥ i made the BEST cookies last night. i dare you to find chocolate chip cookies better than them! if you want the recipe, pm me!
♥ right now my young hus is out fixing up stuff and we are going to take a ride in his '73 dart this eve. we are going to cruise! riding in that car makes me feel mega slickster.
♥ i may have gotten a job! the restaurant thing has not panned out so from craigslist i have found a lot of people wanting house/child help. things are looking good with these la jolla hippies!
♥ here are some videos! i tried to post them a while ago but something wierd was in the air so i let up.
here is one of my favourite cartoons EVER: untalkative bunny!
setting stuff on fire (fireworks, boringly enough) last fall with weetzie and colin
part two of fireworks! we did this all in an alley in downtown victoria. r-e-b-e-l-s.
♥ i hope i get tacos for dinner! mmmmm!
yay for illegal canadians!!