here is another installation of RIN'S GARDENY GOODNESS!
here is a glimpse into RETRO RIN'S DORKY PAST! never mind that i am currently living in a dorky present-tense as well. i may have posted a couple of these before, but whatever.
♥ tonight is date night with el hus; i think we're going to see 28 weeks later.
♥ i love facebook ridiculously. the only way that it could possibly surpass my love of sg is that facebook has something sg does not: annoying people i went to highschool with who i add to my friends list and never talk to, because i just want to look at their kids/how fat they are/how poor their spelling and grammar is and laugh to myself or link it to my other highschool friends so we can laugh together. facebook has also got me in touch with a lot of people i didn't hate in highschool, and that is cool too! i generally don't make fun of them.
♥ i'm trying to get a craigslist kitten! i know i should go to the humane shelter, but i figure a lot of these kittens will get sent to shelters if they don't get picked up, so i'm cutting out the middleman. some people want $80-100 for their KITTENS. these aren't purebred, just your average cat! wtf! and i'm appalled at how many people are getting rid of their pets because they are moving or going somewhere that doesn't allow pets. i don't believe it's that hard to find a place that accepts animals! i hate the idea that you can just get rid of pets when it's not convenient.
♥ i hung out with my friend kate last night. it was a lot of fun.
♥ holy crap! my hus-bot just brought me frozen yogurt. SO goooood! i have got to go now so i can eat it all.
So, nice garden! You are becoming very self sufficient. Kudos for you!
OMG you look so different, like a movie xD
kisses for you and your plants