♥ i am determined to get a kitten(or full-grown cat) in the next two weeks. i am terribly bored. i have not started my job yet.
♥ i miss my friends. i am lonely.
♥ i have been baking like a fiend.
♥ just as i am getting to the fucking series finale of revolutionary girl utena on youtube, the videos have started disappearing. great.
:heart i have been writing letters to everyone but no one has been replying. i feel like there is a conspiracy to make sure mail doesn't reach me. i hate not getting mail. if you are a competent pen pal, let me know. we can work something out.
♥ i am just all around down in the dumps today!
♥ i miss my friends. i am lonely.
♥ i have been baking like a fiend.
♥ just as i am getting to the fucking series finale of revolutionary girl utena on youtube, the videos have started disappearing. great.
:heart i have been writing letters to everyone but no one has been replying. i feel like there is a conspiracy to make sure mail doesn't reach me. i hate not getting mail. if you are a competent pen pal, let me know. we can work something out.
♥ i am just all around down in the dumps today!
I've never had a snooty cat love me, so maybe that's why I don't like them