the past few days have been chock-full of friends! lavonne and her manly pal have been kickin' it with me and redmess since wednesday night. on saturday night marksman303 joined the fun!! it has been a mega girlfest.
on friday, me, redmess, lavonne, linds, nikala and some other girls chilled out in a fancy pants hotel room! here are some photos. nikala and i chilled out in a huge-ass cupboard!

then we sat on the couch and acted like we owned the fuckin' place.

lavonne is a dork!

nikala, linds redmess booze it up, as they are wont to do.

as for the rest of the weekend: went to brunch with lavonne, marksman303, redmess, angelvanilla, acet. malloreigh and it was soooo good!!
i have been to the beach a lot in the past couple days and i have been catching more little crabs than you could shake a stick at!! i even caught a little hermit crab. today i was at wreck beach and i saw all these fucking nasty old dudes with tshirts on and their shriveldy penises flapping about. it was like 14C!!! ewww! i expect that in the summer, but if it's not warm enough to get all the way naked--shit, don't go around grossing everyone.
other news: i will be in san diego in 4 days. how cool is that?? i will get to hang out with my megahusbandbot, uproot♥. he is singularly amazing and i can't waaaaait to cohabitate!
byyy the way, i will be hosting a nightclub evening so those in southern ca should come out and meet me!! oh and trixie, chloe and lane will be there, so that is a hotsplosion that should not be missed.

on friday, me, redmess, lavonne, linds, nikala and some other girls chilled out in a fancy pants hotel room! here are some photos. nikala and i chilled out in a huge-ass cupboard!

then we sat on the couch and acted like we owned the fuckin' place.

lavonne is a dork!

nikala, linds redmess booze it up, as they are wont to do.

as for the rest of the weekend: went to brunch with lavonne, marksman303, redmess, angelvanilla, acet. malloreigh and it was soooo good!!
i have been to the beach a lot in the past couple days and i have been catching more little crabs than you could shake a stick at!! i even caught a little hermit crab. today i was at wreck beach and i saw all these fucking nasty old dudes with tshirts on and their shriveldy penises flapping about. it was like 14C!!! ewww! i expect that in the summer, but if it's not warm enough to get all the way naked--shit, don't go around grossing everyone.
other news: i will be in san diego in 4 days. how cool is that?? i will get to hang out with my megahusbandbot, uproot♥. he is singularly amazing and i can't waaaaait to cohabitate!
byyy the way, i will be hosting a nightclub evening so those in southern ca should come out and meet me!! oh and trixie, chloe and lane will be there, so that is a hotsplosion that should not be missed.

Have a safe trip there and I hope your stuff all makes it there ok!