i've spent the last couple of days getting everything together. i've never been on a trip this long, far or tropical. i think the 29C heat (41C with humidity added! ack!)may just kill me. don't blame me for not updating when i return, as i may be a rin-shaped puddle unable to use a laptop.
i added 90% of the songs you guys suggested to me! i found some great new music. i just couldn't get a few of the songs (like 'moonlight' and 'i thought about you') and i deleted a couple from the list because one of my own songs held precedence but i all i think i added 40 or 50 suggestions!
my dad's really excited for this trip. it's really cute. evidence: we were talking on the phone and he asked if i had luggage. i said 'just the duffel bag you bought me a couple years ago' and my dad says 'oh! you don't have anything BIGGER?' so i say no. but all my stuff fits in it (it's packed) so i just chalked my dad's reaction up to daddish cuteness. then, i got home from work to find an email from dad: 'i bought you a new suitcase, it's on your bed so you can re-pack when you get home'
HAHA! my dad is sooo cute. i wanted to say well, thanks dad, but if i can manage to get my stuff TO your house i am sure it will be okay to take it to the dom. repub. in this bag! but also i need luggage, as i just have a giant duffel bag and no suitcases, so it's pretty awesome that my dad got me one! hopefully it is pink.
today i talked to uproot's mom on the phone! for like 40 mins! she is a very cool lady.
i had to re-sew a fly button on my favourite capris and i tried them on briefly last night and i fear my figure is becoming to womanly to fit in them!! they are still okay but not ideal. i HAVE had them since the summer i was 18, so it's not too bad, but i DO like them. i also DO like my womanly hip-growing, so that's fine too.
what other news? hrm...the new guy living in my house seems like an all-around computer nerd (no offence, acet!). my first interaction was him coming out of his room to tell me he spilled soy sauce on his bed so he was going to flip the mattress. he is just kind of inept across the board, except for HAXORING (i suspect) and video editing (he works on the show battle of the bands, whatever that is).
today i got the best-smelling moisturiser! it is kukui nut by alba botanica. SWOON! it's so yummy i about gnaw off my own arm. or, i would, if my arm was vegetarian.
i don't have too much else to say as a pre-trip update. i hope you guys leave me lots of interesting comments to read. i hope i will have internet access! eep! see you in the 22nd, in any event.
i've spent the last couple of days getting everything together. i've never been on a trip this long, far or tropical. i think the 29C heat (41C with humidity added! ack!)may just kill me. don't blame me for not updating when i return, as i may be a rin-shaped puddle unable to use a laptop.
i added 90% of the songs you guys suggested to me! i found some great new music. i just couldn't get a few of the songs (like 'moonlight' and 'i thought about you') and i deleted a couple from the list because one of my own songs held precedence but i all i think i added 40 or 50 suggestions!
my dad's really excited for this trip. it's really cute. evidence: we were talking on the phone and he asked if i had luggage. i said 'just the duffel bag you bought me a couple years ago' and my dad says 'oh! you don't have anything BIGGER?' so i say no. but all my stuff fits in it (it's packed) so i just chalked my dad's reaction up to daddish cuteness. then, i got home from work to find an email from dad: 'i bought you a new suitcase, it's on your bed so you can re-pack when you get home'
HAHA! my dad is sooo cute. i wanted to say well, thanks dad, but if i can manage to get my stuff TO your house i am sure it will be okay to take it to the dom. repub. in this bag! but also i need luggage, as i just have a giant duffel bag and no suitcases, so it's pretty awesome that my dad got me one! hopefully it is pink.
today i talked to uproot's mom on the phone! for like 40 mins! she is a very cool lady.
i had to re-sew a fly button on my favourite capris and i tried them on briefly last night and i fear my figure is becoming to womanly to fit in them!! they are still okay but not ideal. i HAVE had them since the summer i was 18, so it's not too bad, but i DO like them. i also DO like my womanly hip-growing, so that's fine too.
what other news? hrm...the new guy living in my house seems like an all-around computer nerd (no offence, acet!). my first interaction was him coming out of his room to tell me he spilled soy sauce on his bed so he was going to flip the mattress. he is just kind of inept across the board, except for HAXORING (i suspect) and video editing (he works on the show battle of the bands, whatever that is).
today i got the best-smelling moisturiser! it is kukui nut by alba botanica. SWOON! it's so yummy i about gnaw off my own arm. or, i would, if my arm was vegetarian.
i don't have too much else to say as a pre-trip update. i hope you guys leave me lots of interesting comments to read. i hope i will have internet access! eep! see you in the 22nd, in any event.
I hope that you a good trip
I just recently came back to the site after being gone several months and am slowly making my way around to saying hello to people that I used to chat alittle bit with. So, Hello
I hope you have been well.