shit yo
guys, malloreigh took me out
it was like a movie! the party as so good. iyou would not kow how much i dreank from my stellar typing but I SURE WILL
and i am talking to the uproot boy
shit, yo.
and i like my wife a lot
her name is malloreigh
i skateboarded on punk rock seans skateboard in my tutu
i will post photos of it tomorrow
i like punk rock sean even though hsi name is sean
and i hate someone namead sean
i like people who are not seans though
like uproot and malloreigh and jonny and cheslea and josh
i drank so mch beer! yo, so much beer.
and i totally made out with one of my roommates
my misison
is to get to ebd really soon
and not have crazy dreams
and shit
not drink so much
wahat a fun night!!! i dressed like a ragdoll ballerina
we went to a warehouse party on hastings
and ther e was a noise party
we aret wisn
guys, malloreigh took me out
it was like a movie! the party as so good. iyou would not kow how much i dreank from my stellar typing but I SURE WILL
and i am talking to the uproot boy
shit, yo.
and i like my wife a lot
her name is malloreigh
i skateboarded on punk rock seans skateboard in my tutu
i will post photos of it tomorrow
i like punk rock sean even though hsi name is sean
and i hate someone namead sean
i like people who are not seans though
like uproot and malloreigh and jonny and cheslea and josh
i drank so mch beer! yo, so much beer.
and i totally made out with one of my roommates
my misison
is to get to ebd really soon
and not have crazy dreams
and shit
not drink so much
wahat a fun night!!! i dressed like a ragdoll ballerina
we went to a warehouse party on hastings
and ther e was a noise party
we aret wisn
FreakPirate does Vancouver

I'm going to start spelling shit with a b.