holy fucking hell!! an update!
right now i am at cirdt's stealing internet. woo!
staying at my mom's has been HELL OF BORING. in just over a week, i have made two scarves, sewed a sloth (don't ask), watched 5 movies, read three books (a recipe for bees, the lovely bones, a complicated kindness) and hung out mostly with my cats. yes, that is how cool i am. last entry i talked about cuddling with them, now they are my new best friends.
in other news, i got a job!! at a swank-ass restaurant in wetaskiwin. i am making fat tips and i don't even have to take out my facial jewelery. yay!!
yesterday i hauled out the hammock and put my cat on it and she was SO mad. it was hilarious. too lazy to jump off, but she just sat around glaring. what a doll.
photos from before i left calgary:
me and rosalie hamming it up in a photobooth

and in a sears bathroom!

tonight i'm off to the sg burlesque in edmonton as a stage hand! woo! then tomorrow i will be roving the wild streets of edmonton. and wednesday, back to the grind as a waitress. my birthday is coming up! i want to have a bonfire at my house but i don't know if anyone will come. oh well. happy birthday to me i guess.
also; i dreamed about lavonne last nght. in it, she was helping me pick out clothing. what a good friend.
until next time!♥
it is now post show
but i do not care to make a new entry
and silly reagan made me way more drunk
and silly freakpirate was my standing post, what a great guy
soooo fun
sooo drunk
oh my loard
wtgf loard?/
sleeping on c irdts couch
fuckin g
and i talked on the phone
and know what i have to do
you know
stop waiting around for someone who does not care
stop this dumb shit
Hope the road trip was fun. Eighties music on the stereo, feet out the window singing at the top of your lungs. Ah so much fun.
XO Luke