this is longish but not sappy. what a great warning!
i don't know much what to say. two and a half years is hard to sum up in an entry. i have had a very good time living here. i have lived in a shocking 5 different places in that time. bah! moving is for suckers. on the topic of moving, beautiful miss rosalie (featured one entry back, if you missed it) is going to move to vancouver with me!! how friggin radtastic is that? she is a lot like my other ROSE, miss rosita. i hope they meet cause they would for sure get along.
i am going to miss everyone so much, especially lavonne. she is such a good friend!! i have had such a good time sleeping at her house these past two weeks.
i am going to miss the city. its lovely downtown; the slick tiles near the bay which are great to skateboard on. the solitude of stephen ave late at night when, once again, i am skateboarding. the view from the hill above kensington. the mountains on the horizon, peeks when you're lucky. the ctrain!♥ i love trains. and i'll miss the chinooks. i'll miss snow! i love winter.
i have made so many lovely friends who i am very happy to have around. this city may be insane and soulless and a money-hungry beast but some fricking awesome people live here and i am priveledged to know them.
i'm not sure when i will have general internet access again!! hopefully i'll be able to wrangle my mom to get it by this time next week but no promises. luckily, i can still check my email through my cell phone, but unfortunately this means no sg. boohoo!!
good things about my mummy's house:
of course, the bad things about living with my mom are lack of internet, not many friends in the area, her well water smells a bit off, and her place is really tiny, and oh yeah, that thing about running into lots of people from highschool, most of whom i hate, no good movies only mainstream crap. right! but i have to concentrate on the good.
my mom is coming to pick me up at 630 pm tomorrow. i also have my last shift at the library tomorrow. this makes me immensely sad. i am going to miss my coworkers a lot! i hate saying goodbyes and i know they'll drag it out. i'd rather say 'see you' and wave and begone instead of trying to rush out a pile of GOOD LUCKS and HAVE A NICE REST OF YOUR LIFES.
so, uh, what i am trying to say is: DO NOT TELL ME GOOD LUCK, you guys. unless you want the HAVE A NICE REST OF YOUR LIFE line. but if you get it, rest assured i'm good at saying it! i'm well practiced up by now.
oh! also; now that scarf-and-warm-stuff is starting to come into season (at least for us up in mountie-and-maple-syrup-land) i should mention i am still taking orders!! for scarves or some warm things for your hands or whatever! even custom stuffed animals or fimo earrings, email me! i accept paypal! things will be fun!! you will like wearing stuff made by me! the things you order will be expertly rendered.
be good while i am gone! try not to miss me too much. i wouldn't want to be responsible for a rash of keyboards shorting out from an overload of tears over them, ok? har!
Have fun and stay in touch!!!!
oh well ill talk to you sooner than i think... i think
=-> Alecks