me and rosalie in chinook mall on sunday.
freaking out!! omg!
note the matching scarves! whee!
silly at the lookout!
a night descending.
moving in the dark
me and rosalie just met about a month ago but she's so rad!! i am a lucky girl to have met her.
for now, i'm still kicking it at lavonne's--for three more days, anyway. then i'm off to my hometown for an unprecedented, staggering six weeks. it turns out i'm short on the money end of things and my mom seems to have wrangled me a job at the diner she is working at, which is mega rad. i would not mind at all being a waitress (which i've never done) at a truck stop restaurant. i like truckers. one of my grampas has always been a trucker and my other grampa was a farmer but he was a trucker before i was born.
i think living with mom for that long will be ok. i'll get to go to edmonton and see tink and mattaeus and aspasia and cirdt and freakpirate. and my OTHER friend rose will come visit me from saskatoon!! also, a good high school friend of mine called wendy will be in town for a week and everyone else we hung out with has babies so we are gonna rowdy things up a bit.
i am even going to make sure my mom has the internet! i would cease to respire if i was stuck in the ol' hometown for six weeks with nothing good to read and no internet. a bonus, however, is that i will get to see the first episode of the office without having to download it. will jim and pam be making out still? who knows! i better watch!
tonight lavonne and i are going to DEATH BY CHOCOLATE, which is this thing at the palliser hotel that has a chocolate fountain, among other things. very swank!! we are going to get dressed up and gorge ourselves on chocolate. did i mention what a rad friend she is? seriously, she's let me sleep on her couch for the past two weeks and not even got grumpy at me about it and made me food and let me use her washing machine and taken hot photos of me. does it get better than that??
i even picked up an extra shift this week, so that's good, even though it's 9am-3pm tomorrow and 9am is a difficult time for me, haha. and then tomorrow night is my goodbye party. oh my, things go fast. but i don't really mind
life is good right now. ♥
me and rosalie in chinook mall on sunday.

freaking out!! omg!

note the matching scarves! whee!

silly at the lookout!

a night descending.

moving in the dark

me and rosalie just met about a month ago but she's so rad!! i am a lucky girl to have met her.
for now, i'm still kicking it at lavonne's--for three more days, anyway. then i'm off to my hometown for an unprecedented, staggering six weeks. it turns out i'm short on the money end of things and my mom seems to have wrangled me a job at the diner she is working at, which is mega rad. i would not mind at all being a waitress (which i've never done) at a truck stop restaurant. i like truckers. one of my grampas has always been a trucker and my other grampa was a farmer but he was a trucker before i was born.
i think living with mom for that long will be ok. i'll get to go to edmonton and see tink and mattaeus and aspasia and cirdt and freakpirate. and my OTHER friend rose will come visit me from saskatoon!! also, a good high school friend of mine called wendy will be in town for a week and everyone else we hung out with has babies so we are gonna rowdy things up a bit.
i am even going to make sure my mom has the internet! i would cease to respire if i was stuck in the ol' hometown for six weeks with nothing good to read and no internet. a bonus, however, is that i will get to see the first episode of the office without having to download it. will jim and pam be making out still? who knows! i better watch!
tonight lavonne and i are going to DEATH BY CHOCOLATE, which is this thing at the palliser hotel that has a chocolate fountain, among other things. very swank!! we are going to get dressed up and gorge ourselves on chocolate. did i mention what a rad friend she is? seriously, she's let me sleep on her couch for the past two weeks and not even got grumpy at me about it and made me food and let me use her washing machine and taken hot photos of me. does it get better than that??
i even picked up an extra shift this week, so that's good, even though it's 9am-3pm tomorrow and 9am is a difficult time for me, haha. and then tomorrow night is my goodbye party. oh my, things go fast. but i don't really mind

I miss you already. But hopefully I'll still be here when you come. xo