alright you guys, thank you for the assorted hugs/well wishes/hopes that i'd have more time to prepare than arthur dent. it looks like things are clearing up to a point which i can deal with them, and here goes:
i'm going to ship my stuff out to van at the end of august, couch surf(hopefully--i mean, i haven't formally asked any of my friends if they'll have me) here in calgary for a couple weeks so i can stay at my job, and then spend 2-3 weeks chilling at my mum's place. this means i will be spending some time in edmonton for shenanigans, as glass_cat kindly suggested to me. shenannigans are fun. prepare to be rocked, edmonton! this also means, calgary, prepare to say goodbye to me! i want to have a goodbye party but i don't know where i'd like to hold it. i will have to pick a nice, spacious pub.
to clarify: yes, my house is getting bulldozed, because lord knows it's better to have condos rather than character housing.
things are not going in the way i exactly want, but i feel ok about it. it's even a bit exciting to be pushed into a path i didn't expect.
right now i am just taking a break in packing for my camp (more on that in a bit) because joanna newsom came on my itunes and it pushed me on a swell of memories back to falling in love with vancouver last october, when s_eldorado gave me the best tour ever. joanna newsom always makes me remember october and all it held. my discovery of vancouver, going to the ocean for the first time, spending time with a great friend--all that, sure. but some of her songs even make me miss sitting in my old apartment at my little table, eating yogurt and granola for breakfast and drinking numi earl grey tea. i feel the bittersweetness, how much i missed the city i hardly knew. and if i delve even deeper, it's about meeting dylan, who turned out to be a much bigger part of my life than i ever anticipated.
anyway, away from the mushy stuff: right now i am packing to go to camp! i am not going as a participant but as a staff member. it's a leadership camp, so it's kind of geeky. i am leading two sessions: one on self esteem and one on values clarification. yes, you read those things correctly. the camp is very geeky. the age group of the participants is 13-14 and they will be mostly rural youth. i went to this camp myself, when i was but a wee lass. four years of it, even!!
so, while i am off being a role model and whatnot, i hope you guys behave--kind of
. if you have anything super-important to tell me, message me through my contact tab, as i will have access to email through my cell phone. see you on august eleventh!! and think, i may even have time to respond to your posts this time haha
i'm going to ship my stuff out to van at the end of august, couch surf(hopefully--i mean, i haven't formally asked any of my friends if they'll have me) here in calgary for a couple weeks so i can stay at my job, and then spend 2-3 weeks chilling at my mum's place. this means i will be spending some time in edmonton for shenanigans, as glass_cat kindly suggested to me. shenannigans are fun. prepare to be rocked, edmonton! this also means, calgary, prepare to say goodbye to me! i want to have a goodbye party but i don't know where i'd like to hold it. i will have to pick a nice, spacious pub.
to clarify: yes, my house is getting bulldozed, because lord knows it's better to have condos rather than character housing.
things are not going in the way i exactly want, but i feel ok about it. it's even a bit exciting to be pushed into a path i didn't expect.
right now i am just taking a break in packing for my camp (more on that in a bit) because joanna newsom came on my itunes and it pushed me on a swell of memories back to falling in love with vancouver last october, when s_eldorado gave me the best tour ever. joanna newsom always makes me remember october and all it held. my discovery of vancouver, going to the ocean for the first time, spending time with a great friend--all that, sure. but some of her songs even make me miss sitting in my old apartment at my little table, eating yogurt and granola for breakfast and drinking numi earl grey tea. i feel the bittersweetness, how much i missed the city i hardly knew. and if i delve even deeper, it's about meeting dylan, who turned out to be a much bigger part of my life than i ever anticipated.
anyway, away from the mushy stuff: right now i am packing to go to camp! i am not going as a participant but as a staff member. it's a leadership camp, so it's kind of geeky. i am leading two sessions: one on self esteem and one on values clarification. yes, you read those things correctly. the camp is very geeky. the age group of the participants is 13-14 and they will be mostly rural youth. i went to this camp myself, when i was but a wee lass. four years of it, even!!
so, while i am off being a role model and whatnot, i hope you guys behave--kind of

I too fell in love with the Pacific Northwest and that's what caused me to move here recently, so I totally know how that feels.