♥first off, a serving of something so sweet i hope you will brush your teeth after!
♥baby me!!
♥a self-portrait i took in the past couple weeks.
♥ i get to have a girl love-fest this weekend! gonna see lavonne, my #1 wife malloreigh, my girl from the hometown cirdt, my ladypal jenine...i am gonna be neck-deep in lovely!
♥ only a week and a day until seattle! woo! i hardly believe it's happening.
♥ i got a bunch of discard cds from the library. ! i have been listening to spacehog's chinese album, smashing pumpkin's siamsese dream and now dan the automator's mixtape, the latter of which is a bit too scratched for my poor little ibaby.
♥ some bad fortune earlier this week: i got fired from the tea house! i thought i worked at 7, as usual, but it turned out that i worked at 5. my manager informed me she would be covering my shift that night, the next night, and to not bother coming in ever again. but 'be sure to still come in for some tea, honey!' YEAH RIGHT! the week before they were laying on the praise; one mistake and goodbye!
♥ both the kitties are in my room right now! mistyblue is laying by my feet and jem is noisily eating her food. what a bunch!