hold my head
we'll trampoline
finally through the roof
and onto somewhere near
and far in time.
today i was in full hangover mode, and it's amazing how little actually gets done. my laundry is still in piles by the door, my dishes are still in piles by the sink, my work is still in piles by this keyboard, but those fluffy pillows look so incredibly inviting i've been seeking their solace intermittantly all day long. which means i missed three potentially awesome saturday night scenarios, but hey, a girl needs her rest.
i did manage to wander out into the world and hit inyourear with HeartbreakBlvd this afternoon... i picked up the read yellow "radios burn faster" disc and a leatherface/hot water music split off byo records. didn't actually knew that existed so i was pretty pleased with myself there - i may have actually done a little dance in the record store, but i can't be certain and i know they would never tell.
she timidly brought up the prospect of going to grasshopper, thinking that as i am vegan, i must be sick of that place by now.
oh, how wrong you are, my dear.
so we went, i ate an embarrasing amount of "no name" and tempura, and received temporary amnesty from my raging headache. however, the second i got back to my dorm, i proceeded to sleep until... well, now. seeing as my agenda for tomorrow only includes brunch at eleven and a much needed trip to the gym, i hope i can actually get some work done somewhere in there. graduating would be nice.

we'll trampoline
finally through the roof
and onto somewhere near
and far in time.
today i was in full hangover mode, and it's amazing how little actually gets done. my laundry is still in piles by the door, my dishes are still in piles by the sink, my work is still in piles by this keyboard, but those fluffy pillows look so incredibly inviting i've been seeking their solace intermittantly all day long. which means i missed three potentially awesome saturday night scenarios, but hey, a girl needs her rest.
i did manage to wander out into the world and hit inyourear with HeartbreakBlvd this afternoon... i picked up the read yellow "radios burn faster" disc and a leatherface/hot water music split off byo records. didn't actually knew that existed so i was pretty pleased with myself there - i may have actually done a little dance in the record store, but i can't be certain and i know they would never tell.
she timidly brought up the prospect of going to grasshopper, thinking that as i am vegan, i must be sick of that place by now.
oh, how wrong you are, my dear.
so we went, i ate an embarrasing amount of "no name" and tempura, and received temporary amnesty from my raging headache. however, the second i got back to my dorm, i proceeded to sleep until... well, now. seeing as my agenda for tomorrow only includes brunch at eleven and a much needed trip to the gym, i hope i can actually get some work done somewhere in there. graduating would be nice.


i love grasshopper, but i haven't been there in a while. i used to live within walking distance of it; now, more like biking distance. the no name is awesome, though.