yesterday at the convention i put down a deposit for a third you-know-what... i'll be going to NYC to have adam hays from redrockettattoos do something nicenice
can't wait
Luck had nothing to do with it my dear. When, at every turn, every aspect of the girl appears perfect, she doesn't need luck. She even shares my favorite Ben Folds song! That, in itself, is amazing, especially considering all the amazing music he's made. Its the little things about her that keep catching me by surprise.
I saw you at the convention but it looked like you were taliking to some other people so I didn't want to butt in and introduce myself. Anyhow, I just wanted to say you're adorable and I can't wait to see your set when it (finally) goes up!
I saw you at the convention but it looked like you were taliking to some other people so I didn't want to butt in and introduce myself. Anyhow, I just wanted to say you're adorable and I can't wait to see your set when it (finally) goes up!