Haven't had the internet at my house for the past..oh 3 months or so...hence the lack of updates/posts. But next friday (supposedly) I will be returning the wonderful online world. Anyways, sorry for the lack of communication and thank you guys for the comments on that last post. I was feeling kinda shitty there for a minute.
Side note, does anyone watch ace of cakes? I'm attempting to throw a surprise party next friday and make a cake like that, fondant and everything... it's my first go at this so..most likely will be a fail hahahah but fingers crossed!! My backup plan is a cupcake cake...can't really fuck those up. :\
Side note, does anyone watch ace of cakes? I'm attempting to throw a surprise party next friday and make a cake like that, fondant and everything... it's my first go at this so..most likely will be a fail hahahah but fingers crossed!! My backup plan is a cupcake cake...can't really fuck those up. :\

I like any cake as long as its delicious

it came out pretty good!!! A little lopsided hahah but tasted good ..and almost looked like i meant it to be that way... and a lady who worked at the bar we threw the party at is going to pay me to make one for her son's birthday this month! Score! haha